On Jan 27, 2022, at 7:31 PM, Lucio De Re <lucio.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/28/22, Bakul Shah <ba...@iitbombay.org> wrote:
>> This will probably have to ride on USB first. A verilog
>> implementation would be useful in an FPGA!
> I never understood why USB receives so much attention (but thanks to
> all those who valiantly tried to tame that wild beast!). What does it
> do that PoE doesn't do infinitely better?

Think of really simple, low power, low cost devices.
USB can also provide power. USB+ATtiny85 devel boards
cost ~$3 even at Amazon. And FPGA boards can be
pretty inexpensive too. If you can find them.

But note these are just preliminary ideas.

>> Would this be a useful component? If such a thing were
>> available, what would you want to build with it?
> What I would want from such a tool is its availability within
> educational institutions so we stop teaching greed technology to
> learners and lower the knowledge entry bar that Intel and Microsoft -
> and their allies - have created (that, I make no apologies for, is
> Politics, the Politics of Technological Domination).

Let us first build a few before worrying about such things.

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