> That scroll button nonsense is a function of the Windows driver. On all
> Thinkpads the buttons present as a normal three-button mouse, with
> left, middle, and right-click.  Using a better operating system, or
> failing to install the Trackpoint drivers, leads to normal
> functionality.

I'm aware. I meant the intended use by the people who designed it. I
wouldn't call a number pad a pointing device just because it can be
used as one.

> I have never seen a trackpoint user accidentally type 'u', and this is
> coming from someone who has used trackpoints as their primary pointing
> device from the late 1990s until about six months ago.  How exactly did
> you come to this conclusion?  I wonder if this is unique to a particular
> model?  I have at least one of every IBM, Lexmark, or Dolch produced
> trackpoint keyboard, and I'd love to try to reproduce.

It's just something that happens to some of us sometimes.


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