Quoth fig <type9fr...@gmail.com>:
> but plan 9 is not, and i
> don’t know how this is addressed when using a VPS. even the install process
> is graphical. is kvm necessary?

There are a few options.

1) Many hosts like Vultr or Ramnode provide graphical VNC consoles.

2) Graphics aren't necessary; inst/start works just fine from a serial
   cnnsole or text; it's just a bit painful to configure. I'm not sure
   which providers only give you a a text console.

3) if your host provides neither, then you maybe can install and configure
   an image locally, and upload it. This is how you'd do it on GCP.

> i’m having a bit of trouble getting irc and usenet to ‘work’ on the school
> network,

It's probably blocked; try just connecting:

        % telnet tcp!irc.oftc.net!6667

you should rapidly see something like:

        connected to tcp!irc.oftc.net!6667 on /net/tcp/17
        :larich.oftc.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...
        :larich.oftc.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Checking Ident
        :larich.oftc.net NOTICE AUTH :*** Found your hostname

> and i’m still a little bewildered by email on plan 9, but i’ll get
> there. thanks again.

It's a bit bewildering; I wrote up a summary of my understanding a while


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