> Sorry hiro, I mean that I imported the acme version of 9front to
> my system (based on 9legacy) because it has been updated along the
> plan9port repo.

aaaah, sorry for missing the other direction :D

> One thing I can't understand is why the text window
> is always redrawn completely when the tag line is edited.

yeah, i heard about that one, it's a bit surprising that's still not fixed.
but many people use just sam on 9front and never notice such things.
my memory of acme is fading :)

> Anyway, I remember seeing a version of plan9port with the apps from
> 9front somewhere, I'm surprised you didn't know about it.

yeah in fact i wanted to make sure you don't use that one, bec. really
it never got much care and 9fans/p9p was always it's upstream.

otherwise, i guess there's also the inferno version of acme (i am a
former acme-sac user).

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