was this hard to reproduce?

i have not seen fossil deadlocking and have used it since i installed my first home server in 2004.

there definitely _was_ a problem in the snapshot code which was finally resolved around 2015 (roughly), i think perhaps skip, or forsyth found it - i apologise if i have the attribution wrong.

fossil is also unhelpful if it runs out of space - i don’t believe brucee ever forgave it for that.
this is less of a problem when it is run with venti of course.


On 4 Apr 2023, at 6:16 pm, n...@pixelhero.dev wrote:

I've sporadically encountered a deadlock in fossil. Naturally, when your root file system crashes, it can be hard to debug. My solution: stop having a root file system. Was able to attach acid using mycroft's tooling from ANTS, and get a clean stack trace (https://pixelhero.dev/notebook/fossil/stacks/2023-04-03.1).

After a few hours yesterday (https://pixelhero.dev/notebook/fossil/2023-04-03.html), I eventually tracked down the deadlock. When blockWrite is told to flush a clean block to disk - i.e. one which is already flushed - it removes the block from the cache's free list, locks the block, detects that it's clean, and then... drops the reference. While keeping the block locked. And in the cache.

This leak of the lock, of course, means that the *next* access to the block - which is still in the cache! - hangs indefinitely. This is seen exactly in the stack trace:

_cacheLocal grabs the block from the cache, tries to lock it, and hangs indefinitely. Worse, it does so under a call to fileWalk, which holds a different lock, so the effect spreads out and makes even more of the file system inaccessible as well (the fileMetaFlush proc hangs waiting on this file lock).

This patch just ensures we call blockPut on the BioClean path as well, thus unlocking the block and readding it to the cache's free lists.

The patch is on my branch - https://git.sr.ht/~pixelherodev/plan9/commit/1bf8bd4f44e058261da7e89d87527b12073c9e0f - but I figured I should probably post it here as well.

If anyone has any other patches that weren't in the 9legacy download as of ~2018, please let me know! :)

sys/src/cmd/fossil/cache.c | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/sys/src/cmd/fossil/cache.c b/sys/src/cmd/fossil/cache.c
index f473d211e..2fec44949 100644
--- a/sys/src/cmd/fossil/cache.c
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/fossil/cache.c
@@ -1203,8 +1203,10 @@ blockWrite(Block *b, int waitlock)
fprint(2, "%s: %d:%x:%d iostate is %d in blockWrite\n",
argv0, bb->part, bb->addr, bb->l.type, bb->iostate);
/* probably BioWriting if it happens? */
- if(bb->iostate == BioClean)
+ if(bb->iostate == BioClean){
+ blockPut(bb);
goto ignblock;
+ }


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