On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 07:32:18AM -0400, pl...@room3420.net wrote:
> an other interesting reading :
> https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/critical-analysis-9front-community-conflict-vester-thacker-htt3f?trk=article-ssr-frontend-pulse_more-articles_related-content-card

I love this article very much.  Unhelpful, bossy blowhards should
experience exactly these emotions.  My favorite part was the accusation
of "cancel culture," which I have learned is Boomer code for
"accountability."  They really hate that shit!

If 9front has constructed a culture where someone who calls themselves
"Innovator Harnessing the Power of Open Source: Transforming Businesses,
Empowering Solutions" does not feel welcome, then I am profoundly
satsified with that culture, and commend everyone involved in its

Anyway, just for the record, nobody in the 9front project has any ill
will toward 9legacy.  Technical concerns like p9sk1, yes, but everyone
agrees there should be *more* Plan 9 out there, not less.  We keep
suggesting that people fork 9front as well, and make 9front Suit And Tie
Edition, Empowering Harnessed Transformative Innovations, with all of
the technical goodies and none of the humor or fun, but nobody seems to
have the drive to make that happen.

If anyone wants help bootstrapping such a project, please let me know
and I'll help however I can.  The existence of something like that might
help deflect all the unfunded mandates people keep trying to demand of
the 9front project, and create a nice home for the sorts of people whose
primary qualifications are that they like to watch and they've been
watching for decades.


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