This is great! I am very eager to try this out.
However I didn't get the Mail script you attached. It just
came through as an empty file. Would you mind sending that


> I am sending this from inside acme Mail on Linux.
> Or at least the program is called Mail.
> It's not actually the Mail from Plan 9.
> I am running mh and have 'customized' it to print
> something close to sensible output.  Mail itself
> is a shell script.  The interactive delay is a little
> annoying sometimes, you have to run inc and Get
> to check for new mail, and the script itself needs
> to be cleaned up, but it's still entirely usable.
> I have attached my .mh_profile, Mail/mhl.format,
> Mail/mhl.headers, and the Mail script itself.
> Russ

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