I am usually asked to do presentations at fora (where decision-makers are 
present). Usually you are asked to make a short speech on topics such as: Why 
language policy? What is language policy? etc. This happens at provincial and 
local government level in South Africa where decision-makers have to design and 
implement language policy (but then do not do it anyhow).
Prof. L.T. du Plessis
Eenheid vir Taalbestuur/Unit for Language Management
Universiteit van die Vrystaat/University of the Free State
Posbus/P.O. Box 339
9300 RSA
Tel:  +27 51-401 2405
Faks/Fax: +27 51-444 5804
E-pos/E-mail: dplesslt....@ufs.ac.za 
Web: http://www.uovs.ac.za/etb 

>>> On 2009/02/23 at 07:13 PM, <d...@bisharat.net> wrote:

Has anyone done any work producing policy briefs/memos relating to language for 
people in government who are in a position to influence language policy and its 
By policy briefs or policy memos I mean information presented in a succinct way 
for an educated audience not specialized in the topic addressed. Commonly these 
are used to advocate a position on the topic described. I'm particularly 
interested in the form used, purpose or agenda promoted, and evaluations. 
I have found few instances on the web. A couple of examples:
http://www.language-policy.org/content/features/EPSL-0509-103-LPRU.pdf (a 
61-page document which was described at  as a "policy brief" at 
http://listserv.linguistlist.org/cgi-bin/wa?A2=ind0509&L=lgpolicy-list&P=6132 )
In other domains, such as ICT policy, briefs are also used. An African example 
While I am referring to the latter  and others, I am still seeking examples 
relating to language policy.
Don Osborn


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