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Carrie Neiland . 1904 N Midland Dr Apt 32 Midland Tx ~ 79707-6434 

it, for the boy shall not remember what has happened.Then she laid her warm 
hand upon his head, and whispered some words of magic into his ear. Open your 
eyes, she called, and soon they were wide open. You went in to swim, said the 
goddess. Did the water please youYes, surely.Were the wateranimals kind to 
youYes, surely, answered the boy, for the magic words had kept him from 
remembering anything about the strange creature that had dragged him to the 
bottom of the river. The boy went

home to his father, and as soon as he was out of sight, the goddess called to 
the wateranimals, Come one, come all, come little, come great.It is the voice 
of the goddess, said 148 the wateranimals, and they all began to swim toward 
her as fast as they could. When they were together before her, she said, One of 
you has been cruel and wicked. One of you has dragged to the bottom of the 
river the son of my friend, the king of the land, but I have carried him safely 
to shore, and now he is in his home. When he comes again, will you watch over 
him wherever in the wide,

in sight, said still another. But if this is not Turtle, where is he they all 
asked, and not one of the wise men of their tribe could answer.  Come to my 
kingdom whenever you will, said the goddess of the water to the king of the 
land. My waves will be calm, and my animals will be gentle. They will be as 
good to your ren as if they were my own. Nothing in all my kingdom will do you 
harm.The goddess went back to her home in the sea, and the king walked to the 
shore of the river and stood gazing upon the beautiful water. Beside him walked 
his youngest son. 146 Father,

asked the boy, would the goddess be angry if I went into the water to swimNo, 
answered the father. She says that nothing in all her wide kingdom will do us 
harm. The wateranimals will be kind, and the waves will be calm.The boy went 
into the water. He could swim as easily as a fish, and he went from shore to 
shore, sometimes talking with the fishes, sometimes getting a bright piece of 
stone to carry to his father. Suddenly something caught him by the foot and 
dragged him

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