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We finally get to see the Nintendo Switch this week. All (or at least most) of 
our questions will be answered. Most importantly, we'll come away with some 
idea of how this thing will fit into our lives. For some, the Switch will be 
like any other console. I've already heard a few say their Switch will stay 
connected to their TV, and never leave its dock. That's perfectly reasonable, 
but for me, it's most exciting as a new portable console. That's kind of the 
beauty of what Nintendo is claiming to offer here. Assuming it's everything we 
imagine it is (which is a big assumption, I realize), it can be exactly what 
everyone needs it to be. And right now, I need it to be a portable system. I 
bet I'm not alone in that either. Despite everyone having a much more powerful 
computer in their pocket already, there's still a need for dedicated portable 
gaming consoles. (Screenshot via Youtube/Nintendo Mobile) (Screenshot via 
Youtube/Nintendo Mobile) Playing Games on a Smartphone Still
Sucks Yes, there are some great smartphone games out there. Games that are 
designed around touchscreen control that doesn't just draw an analog stick and 
buttons on the screen. But after a while, you get tired of games that ask 
nothing more of the player than an occasional tap or swipe. You want something 
more complex, and those games feel terrible on a smartphone. Fake touchscreen 
analog sticks never work quite right, and get really uncomfortable after 
prolonged session. I want the direct control that can only be offered by a 
physical analog stick, D-pad, and buttons. While there are controller 
attachments for phones, support is app by app and build quality varies 
drastically. Most of all, though, I'd rather just take a device out and start 
playing right away. Even Nintendo games aren't as good on smartphones. Sure, 
Super Mario Run was OK I guess, but can you honestly say you wouldn't prefer a 
proper Mario game? One where you had full control over his movements? One with
complex level design, whose challenge didn't come from your inability to move 
left? people-1281570_1920 Public Transit Commuters Need Something to Do Whether 
it's because they want to save the environment or they just don't want to deal 
with traffic, more people are choosing to take public transportation to work 
these days. When you take a train or bus to work, something amazing happens. 
You get so much time back. When you drive to work, you can't concentrate on 
much more than the road. When you take public transit, you have time to read, 
close your eyes and clear your mind, or catch up on your massive video game 
backlog. I love JRPGs, and thanks to a daily train commute and a Playstation 
Vita, I had time to play through Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky. (Which, 
by the way, is a fantastic RPG series that everyone should play.) With the 
Switch being the same system at home as it is on the go, I'll be able to play 
and finish Zelda: Breath of the Wild. And hopefully, I'll be
able to get into some games that I missed on the Wii U. Like Xenoblade 
Chronicles X. (Please, oh please, oh please.) Also, unlike the Vita, this will 
likely be Nintendo's only platform from now on. They'll have no choice but to 
support it just as well as, if not better than, they did the 3DS. Within a 
year, there should be plenty of games for us to choose from. I hope.


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