Title: buehh all good
Wheel Of Fortune Canceled
After 35 years - Vanna White has confirmed the rumors are true after this upsetting news surfaces.
See what happened


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thief robber robber shrieked old Granny Fox. But Mr. Goshawk said nothing, just winked at Bobby Coon, puffed out his feathers, and settled himself for a comfortable nap. XV. Reddy Fox Has a Visitor Hardly was old Granny Fox out of sight on her way to hunt for the chicken she had left on the hill, when Unc Billy Possum came strolling along the Lone Little Path. He was humming to himself, for he had just had a good breakfast. One of the Merry Little Breezes spied him and hurried to meet him and tell him about how Reddy Fox had been shot. Unc Billy listened, and the grin with which he had greeted the Merry Little Breeze grew into a broad smile. Are yo all sure about that he asked. The Merry Little Breeze was sure. Unc Billy Possum stopped for a few minutes
few minutes no one said a word. Then Billy Mink stood up and stretched. Good-by, said Billy Mink. Where are you going so suddenly demanded Little Joe Otter. Im going to catch a fish and take it up to Reddy Fox, if you must know snapped Billy Mink. Good cried Little Joe Otter. You neednt think that you can have all the fun to yourself either, Billy Mink. Im going with you. There was a splash in the Smiling Pool, and Unc Billy Possum was left looking out on nothing but the Smiling Pool and the Big Rock. He smiled to himself as he turned away. Ah reckon Ahll sho have to do my share, too, said he. And so it happened that when old Granny Fox finally reached home with nothing but a little wood mouse for Reddy, she found him taking a nap, his stomach as full as it could

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