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beach two negroes sprang out and seized him, when, as matters were becoming serious, some sailors leaping on shore struck right and left at Fernands assailants in a way which brought blood from their noses. Perceiving how their companions were being treated, a number of other negroes rushed out, very nearly catching the boaster, and began throwing stones and shooting arrows at Coelhs boat. Fearing that matters might grow serious, Vasco da Gama rowed in to try and pacify the natives; but before he
the plea that the days were short, the nights long, and the vessels leaky, while the wind blew strongly, and cold rain and sleet came beating in their faces. He accordingly ordered the ships to be put about, declaring at the same time, should he find that they had not weathered the cape, he should again tack, as he would never turn back until he had accomplished his object. The weather now happily began to moderate, and the crews believing that they were approaching the land, their spirits rose. Vasco da Gams wish was to keep close hauled; but at night, when he was asleep, the pilot kept away, hoping thus to ease the ship and more
Storms, they were in that region in which India was to be discovered. Trust in God, He will deliver us, he added. Notwithstanding the brave words of their leader, the seamen continued to clamour; but even though the sea began to go down and the wind to abate, and the ships were able to get nearer each other, the crews with loud cries insisted that they should seek for some harbour where they might be repaired. On this Vasco da Gama again swore by the life of the King, that from that spot he would not turn back a spas breadth until they had obtained the information they had come to seek. The sailors shouted that they
were many, and that they feared death, though their captain took no account of it. Vasco da Gama replied that he took the same account of death as any of them, but that they had heard his resolution, and he intended to keep to it. At this juncture a furious blast struck the ships, the sea again getting up in such a way that they were frequently hidden from the sight of each other, and could only be perceived as they rose to the top of a sea before again falling into the trough. Lights were hung out

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