
I notice on ettus website (http://www.ettus.com/) that there is a new board ON 

January 13th, 2010 -- The WBX is now on sale! It is a full
duplex-capable transceiver which covers 50 MHz to 2.2 GHz for an
introductory price of $400. This includes an LNA/filter board and MCX
to SMA bulkhead adapter cable. After the first batch is gone, the price
will be $450.

It is superb. Someone has already test it? I will immediately buy one. It is a 
transceiver board, that include cellphone channels. So, you could even 
broadcast live, and attack GSM structure.

I remember my old ICOM PCR-1500, that I only could receive, but not 
transmit.... now this new board is superb.

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