Hi all,
I've been away from this topic for a while ... Working with USRP2 device
without external clock, now I installed latest gnuradio, uhd and airprobe
and I think that uhd's rx_samples_to file makes me trouble.

This is how I capture traffic:
sudo ./rx_samples_to_file --freq 955.4e6 --gain 60 --rate 574712.643678
--file out_001

... and how "play" it on udp:
sudo ./go_usrp2.sh out_001 174 0B

This works with uhd releases 003.002.004 and prior. With 003.003.000 and
003.003.001 it's not working (nothing captured in wireshark). I assume it's
due to rx_samples_to_file, does someone have similar experience?

Anyway, I can leave with uhd 003.002.004, but with latest versions of
gnuradio I tired (head and 3.5.0) I have fpga compatibility issue (Expected
FPGA compatibility number 8, but got 7). So, if I want to update fpga I
have to update appropriate host uhd, and again: nothing captured ....

Thanks in advance, any help is appreciated !

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