My deepest condolences to the bereaved family as well as to all Agrians. May
his SOUL rest in peace.


On Jan 18, 2008 1:05 PM, saurabh sarma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   Dear all,
>                     It is a heart felt and vary vary sad news to all the
> member of our agrian community that Mr. Nayan Dutta Baruah, M.Sc. (Agri.)
> in Horticulture, belongs to 99 UG batch & 2003 PG batch, has expired in the
> morning hours on 13th Jan, 2008 at Bangalore. He was admitted there for the
> teatment of some major problems in his stomach.
>                      This is a massive loss to all of us. But we can't do
> anything with the universal truth of death.
>                       May his soul will get peace in the
> heaven.............. with that pray to
> god.........................................
> Saurabh Sarma
> 99-A-13 , UG Batch
> 03-A(M)-24 (i),    PG Batch
> ------------------------------
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Dr. Sreejayan
Research Associate
School of Ecology and Conservation
Department of Crop Physiology
University of Agricultural Sciences
GKVK, Bangalore 560 065
Cell: 91-9448798392
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average
star, but we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very
-- Stephen Hawking

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