>Incidentally, I would like to see a 'class' code, that would include one or
>more characters, each of which would represent a class of music to which
>the tune belongs.  Then, if there is a large archive of tunes, you can pipe
>it through a filter to extract all those in the archive that belong to the
>class of music of interest to you, whether you know the names of the
>individual tunes in the class or not.

We already have several header fields like this, all of them wildly
ambiguous and interpreted in every possible way by some transcriber
somewhere.  What do you want your new field to do, exactly?  What
*kind* of class? - I can think of class divisions like:

- transcription from live performance vs recording vs print

- raw transcription vs edited version

- final version vs draft

- fiddle vs pipe setting

- transposition for soprano vs alto voice

- grade V vs grade VIII difficulty level

- melody vs four-part harmonization

- copyright vs public domain

- laid out in portrait vs landscape format

- Gaelic vs English lyrics

- requires standard vs DADGAD guitar tuning

- banned or permitted under German anti-Nazi laws

- standard vs extended vs archaic ABC

- original copy or from a mirror site

- clean vs bawdy version

Two letters isn't going to do it, we need something extensible.  Putting
keywords in N: fields is a stopgap you can use meanwhile.

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