John Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, I was wondering how long it would take for some  German  and/or
> Scandinavian  musicians to suggest this.  It didn't take long for one
> of each to speak up.  The point comes across far better  when  people
> from  that tradition call the "H" notation an error and idiocy.  When
> we outsiders criticise it, our criticism can easily be taken as  some
> sort of cultural chauvinism, but when insiders say the same thing, it
> becomes a lot harder to justify using such notation.

Actually I've been playing off English-style music notation (with `B' 
in place of `H') so much that I find it thoroughly disconcerting to 
actually encounter music that says `H'. In fact all the German SCD 
musicians I know use `B' for `H' in their own arrangements and 
compositions for the sake of consistency. I for one will not shed a 
single tear if ABC is kept completely `English' in that respect. In 
fact I'm strongly in favour of the idea.

I don't know where the `H' abomination came in but I'm quite happy to
call it an error and idiocy, for the record. I do have a German

> But it would be even better to take the opportunity to put a bit more
> pressure  to  eliminate this bad notation entirely.  A lot of Germans
> and Scandinavians would thank us.

Well, I don't think the ABC user community is quite ready yet to put
that kind of pressure on the music scene at large ... :^)

Anselm Lingnau .......................................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but
saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
                                                              -- Alexander Pope

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