Just like to tell everybody at abcusers that I've just posted a complete
ABC edition of Tielman Susato's "Danserye" at
As usual this is a temporary, abcusers only URL - valid until I've had
time to add the music to the main body of the Musica Viva collection.
(*That* might take quite a while.)

"Danserye" is a collection of 59 or so (it's often hard to tell when one
piece ends and the next begins) dance tunes in four part settings,
published by Tielman Susato in Atwerpen 1551. It's probably the best
known source for renaissance dance music today.

My transcriptions raises a few interesting questions regarding
ABC-versions of early music. Should we add barlines? How do we disern
between original and editorial accidentals? etc. etc. etc.
Anybody's views on those question are much apreciated. So are any error
reprots, of course.

Frank Nordberg
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