"Atte Andre Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote"I don't care how my abc playes,
and looking back on the descussion about ^f-|f a couple of months ago
obviously abc2midi is only to be considered a toy, so I guess the rest of
the comunity feels the same as me..."

<polite cough>
abc2midi is not the only application that makes sound from ABC files*!*

My customers find that "proof-listening" is *much* more reliable than
proof-reading and the ability of Muse to make some noises that represent
what's on the screen aids enormously in eliminating errors.

In our band we used to have hand-written music which was full of misprints
that we only found out about when a stand-in musician played what was
written on the page!  When we put it all on the computer we eliminated
almost all of them.  It doesn't have to be a wonderfully impressive
performance to achieve this, indeed I almost don't want Muse to make
wonderful noises - I want it to help *people* to make wonderful noises.

To make a visual analogy, the music is a picture and the computer gives a
line drawing, but that is enough to show that Mary's left foot on the end of
her right arm.

It matters!  Others do care.
If you are playing with applications that don't play, may your eyes be sharp
and your notes on pitch!


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