>Any interest in having Skink as a 'front end' for a command-line
tool? in other
>words, use Skink to enter, proof read and proof-listen, and then
invoke abcxxps
>for final output?

yes, why not ? It's a good idea. Even if I can use runabc.tcl for
this the ability for Skink as proof read and listen give something
more. But for me runabc.tcl runs both on linux and windows, and I
can't make Skink works on linux. I've Mandrake 8.2 and they seem
to have forgotten to give us a decent / recent JRE. I wonder how
Atte Andre Jensen
managed to make it run because he has also a Mandrake and they
give only an old java console, called Kaffe. I can't download the
latest JRE because I've only a slow connection. (If I had an ADSL,
quick connection why should I bother to download all those abc
files ? I would download music in MP3 format instead ! ;) )

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