I've notated a tune in abc, authored by a semi local, now deceased
gentleman and am currently having those familiar with his work and this
tune review it for accuracy and such. 

It is NOT ready for distribution, so please do not reference or copy the
file(s), which I made available online for our local group, the address
of which I must now distribute here, if I am to receive the feedback I
am seeking.  I will make the final version available when complete.

My request is this.  I've notated the tune in E minor, and even though
I'm nearly finished with a music theory minor at my accredited
university, I struggle with theory, and balk on the subject of modes.  I
just can't seem to get them, and am undertaking study to learn them
outside of my legitimate studies.  That study however would hinder my
distribution of this really beautiful tune.  I digress.   As I stated, I
keyed the tune in E minor, and the accidentals are correct, but it seems
tonally centered on a tonic of A.  I don't know if I'm correct in this
or not, as I struggle as well with tonal theory (despite sleeping the
Gauldin's 'harmonic practice in tonal music' under my pillow for 6
semesters in the hope of knowledge osmosis.   I despise this book
actually.  Though it is heralded as the 'best out there' by so many.) 
So.. My request....  Would someone with the knowledge be willing to look
at my files and tell me if its in some key/mode other than E minor, and
perhaps suggest harmonic accomp chording for the tune?

My thanks if anyone's willing.

The files are located at

The tune is 'Mike Hoban's Air' and is located in a slightly separated
manner at the bottom of the list of tunes on that page.

The Finale-gif is an image of what I am most confident as being notated
accurately.  The Midi there is a well rendered playing of that file. 
The Finale file itself, for any who use Coda's SmartMusic is also
there.  Finally, the abc file and a gif screen capture are also
available, though I am not as confident of their correctness, nor does
PlayABC render a suitably accurate hearing of the tune to my ear for me
to recommend it to those not familiar with the tune (especially as it
seems to ignore tied notes and instead play them as separate and
distinct notes).  I could not discover from the standard, or the
tutorials how, or if it is even possible to notate a DC al Fine, so I
was forced to copy the A part and tack it on to the end of the B part,
which kindof defeats the AABA sequencing visually.

So the question that I alluded to in my 'subject' is whether it's
possible or not, and if so, how one notates and directs midi rendering
engines to do a DC al Fine.

Thanks all for any input, and for being patient for the final
distribution copy of the tune if there are those interested in it's

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