Jeff Szuhay  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is all ABC Music source code under GPL?
> (If so, that's a real bummer. An "Artist License" would
> be much better for its adoption in commerical products.)

You can always try to contact the author(s) and negotiate a different
license than the GPL. It is perfectly possible for code to be released
under different licenses at the same time. Of course this may cost you

> Is the ABC Music itself under GPL?
> (If so, then I can't use it at all.)

Well, first off there is no such thing as »the ABC Music«. The
copyright of tunes notated in ABC lies with the composers and/or
arrangers or their estates (for 70 years after the composers' and/or
arrangers' demise) or else the public domain.

It is likely that the composers/arrangers in question have delegated
the licensing stuff to an outfit like ASCAP (in the US) or GEMA (in
Germany). In this case you will have to negotiate with that rather
than the original composers/arrangers.

Anselm Lingnau .......................................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson
afterwards.                                                       -- Vernon Law
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