"Laurie (ukonline)" wrote:
> Frank wrote "... I bought ... a ... banjo tears ago..."
> Wonderful!!
> I know that t and y are keyboard neighbours but I like to imagine it was a
> Freudian slip.


That particular instrument has certainly been a source of frustration
for its poor owner and his fellow musicians, so you might be right.

Gerry McCartney wrote:

> The one you subsequently described (20
> frets) sound more like a 'short-armed tenor' which would be more suitable
> for playing Irish style i.e. tuned down to GDAE.

It certainly is. I could have adjusted the action if I really wanted to
and I could have lived with the string breaks, but I couldn't do
anything about its lousy sound. Tuning it down fixed that, though.

> One of my banjos is a 24
> fret, 23.5 inch string length on which I play Irish Trad. But I have to say
> that it concentrates both my mind and the tendons of my left hand!

Yeah, I've noticed that too. But it's OK - I really need some left hand
exercise anyway. ;-)

Frank Nordberg
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