davidcrespo wrote:
> hi. I am newly joined to this list and this is partly a test message, and
> partly an introduction.

Christopher Myers wrote:
> I tried emailing the list owner, but to no avail.
> Does anyone know how to access an archive of postings to this list, or
> an FAQ, or a web-accessible version? I don't want to ask questions that
> have been posed dozens of times, to the frustration of frequent haunters
> of this list.

Hi David and Christopher,

and welcome to abcusers both of you. :-)

It's been rather quiet here for a while, but don't expect that to last.
Hope your email programs have big inboxes. ;-)

The list owner - I suppose that's Toby (Rider). Don't expect too much help from him. He's a great guy, but he's running quite a lot of different lists, so usually he doesn't have much time to spare for each of them.

There's an archive of old messages at:
It doesn't go back more than half a year, though.

But don't be afraid to bring up old subjects here. People do it all the time.

As for a FAQ - I don't think I've ever seen one, but if it extists, it's probably on Chris Wlashaw's site:

But it's quite simple, really:
+No jacket required - we try to keep things informal here.
+Good manners are required.
+You should sign your messages with your full name, but
apart from that, stick to first names (unless that might
cause confusion, of course)
+Stupid questions are allowed.
+We try to avoid off topic postings, but to be frank, we're
not very good at that.
+Laura and Laurie are not the same person! They are about as
different as two abcusers can be. ;-)
+Don't call David "Dave" - he doesn't like it.
+You should keep all tunes Jack posts here. They're always
lovely, and usually pretty unusual.
+Avoid discussing Norwegian traditional music with Eric, he
already knows far too much about that topic ;-)

Frank Nordberg

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