In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, I. Oppenheim
>On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, Manuel Reiter wrote:
>> could anybody give me any pointers aon how to include
>> accented characters in lyrics with abc2ps
>This should also be addressed in the upcomming ABC
>To use accented letter, type the following:
>\`a  => "a with grave"
>\'a  => "a with acute"
>\"a  => "a with umlaut"
>\^o  => "o with circumflex"
>\~n  => "n with tilde"
>\,c  => "c with cedilla"

What's wrong with simply putting the correct accent in the text?

à á ä ô ñ ç

They're all part of the extended character set, and pretty much a
standard these days.

Bernard Hill
Braeburn Software
Author of Music Publisher system
Music Software written by musicians for musicians
Selkirk, Scotland

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