On Wed, 2 Jul 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I fundamentally disagree with this.  I believe that
> it is imperative that the standard and the software
> that uses it should be isolated.

I agree with you. I had already a bit of argument about
this with Phil. The standard should define an abstract
music representation format, that does not depend on
the actual applications that use it.

Application dependent meta information such as "page
width," "font colour," "midi track no" could also be
standardized, but in a meta standard that is separate
and does not interfere with the abstract ABC standard.
The ABC standard itself should only deal with purely
musical elements.

Compare it to the situation on the web: HTML/XML deals
with the structured information itself, CSS/XSL deals
with layout. In fact, the %%-notation and format files
serve already as a sort of stylesheet. Please take
these conceptual differences into account when writing
the upcomming standard.

> No individual programme needs to implement the whole
> standard.  Programmes aimed at western folk musicians
> may not need some of the complexities of classical
> music (or Klezmer or Persian).

And the other way round---classical music programs may
not want to deal with e.g. bagpipes or guitar tablature

Therefore I think the ABC standard should be highly
modular; ABC software should be able to implement a
minimal amount of ABC in a well defined way that is
still standard compliant. The software developer is
then able to clearly indicate which ABC modules are
supported and which not.

Stuff such as bagpipe notation, modal key signatures,
microtonal accidentals, tablature support could go in
separate modules that are optional.

In this way it will still be possible to extend ABC
with useful features, without requiring that they
should be implemented by all programs. Only programs
that want to deal with "everything that's out there on
the web," should be able to handle both bagpipes
notation and microtonal subtleties. Other programs can

 Irwin Oppenheim

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