John Walsh  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I concluded that if I
> were to use this any more, I'd need a pre-processor of some sort... So if
> we want to preserve human-readability and use the & in any complicated
> way, it might be worthwhile discussing alternatives.

My little project is ABCifying the tunes from the RSCDS dance books.
Some of the tunes have a second voice every so often (say, in four
bars out of twenty-four), and the »&« feature saves me a lot of typing
in [V:2] bits that are mostly empty.

Anselm Lingnau .......................................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I don't know a lot about this artificial life stuff -- but I'm suspicious of
anything Newsweek gets goofy about -- and I suspect its primary use is as
another money extraction tool to be applied by AI labs to the Department of
Defense (and more power to 'em).                               -- Aaron Watters
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