Guido Gonzato asks:
| as you know, Irwin Oppenheim and I are trying to put together a proposal
| for ABC 2 standard. I have a simple question: has anybody actually seen
| the u: (lowercase u) field in ABC files? We are considering whether
| leaving it out.

It turns out I can ask my Tune Finder about  this,  because
it  keeps a list of the header lines used in each tune.  It
actually found one, and it was in my  own  collection!  But
this isn't any sort of personal claim, because it's in:

As you can see, this directory is for tunes extracted  from
this  mailing list.  The tune is a polska from Henrik.  The
funny thing is that he uses both U: and u:  to define the U
symbol, which is used exactly once. So the definitions take
up more characters than they save.  Not  that  it  matters.
This is clearly an example of the uses of U:  and u: so who
cares if it saves any space or typing?

Among the 150,000 or so tunes that the  Tune  Finder  knows
of, this is the only example of u:  that was found.  (There
are actually three matches, but  they're  all  exactly  the
same tune.)

If anyone else has used it in your online  tunes,  my  Tune
Finder doesn't know about your collection.  (So send me the

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