Norman Schmidt writes:
| You certainly are not the only person who enters abc textwise!
| After some experience with an excellent music program (Lime) that maps
| the keyboard somewhat like you mention, I switched back to text entry
| because it's faster for me.  All the notes are under my left hand
| leaving the
| right hand free to manipulate the partition or mouse.

I was wondering if someone else would make a  comment  like
this. I've played around a bit with a tcl/tk tool to handle
abc, and one of the thing that I experimented  with  a  bit
was  alternate  keyboard mappings.  I eventually decided it
wasn't worth the bother, for pretty much the same reasons.

One funny disappointment here: I play a chromatic accorion.
You'd  think  it  would  map  very easily to the typewriter
keyboard. But it didn't.  The problem was that the angle of
the  diagonals are wrong.  I couldn't find any position for
my hand relative to the keyboard that actually worked.  The
angle of the diagonals are just wrong for this use.

Combined with the difficulty of figuring out  how  to  deal
with  the  non-note  parts (bar lines, slurs, chords, ...),
this was enough to give  it  up  as  an  idea  waiting  for
someone  with  some  brilliantly  innovative idea that will
magically make  it  work.   But  I'm  apparently  not  that

One side thought I had was that  the  "universal"  keyboard
just  might work.  This would really only need two rows for
the notes, and you could use the top and bottom  rows  with
their conventional mapping. Maybe some day, when I have the
spare time, I'll experiment with this.

Meanwhile, for most tunes I can type abc nearly as fast  as
I can play it. It's seems unlikely that any clever keyboard
mapping could do much better.  Having the notes all on  the
left hand is probably much of this. But this is really true
only for plain, monophonic tunes, so maybe something clever
is possible in other cases.

 <:#/> John Chambers
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