I still say I'm not the one to bring guidance to this project, or balance to the force, (I lack both the experience, and knowledge and most importantly, the midichlorians to lead here.), but I did want to capitalize on the momentum and excitement this discussion has generated. If you wish to lead this endeavor, please post your qualifications and ideas for implementation to the list.

As such I bought me a subscription to SourceForge.net and created a launchpad for the project.

I am not saying that we _have to_ use either SourceForge, or the technologies I listed in the description. Neither an I saying that 'AlphabetSoup' is a good name for the project and that I will fight for it. It's as open for discussion as the rest. I simply had to provide something to complete the registration, and wanted something a little more clever and interesting than 'abcparser'.

The registration is pending approval. Feel free to join. I believe you do not need to be a paid member to join a project, only to create a project. Here's the information I submitted, currently being evaluated by the SourceForge staff for project approval.

Project Information

1. Submitter: thistledowne

2. Project UNIX Name: alphabetsoup

3. Project Descriptive Name: AlphabetSoup - ABC Music Notation Parser

4. License: Other custom license (OSD-compliant Open Source)

License other: my project will be licensed under the GNU GPL and Artistic license, 
like perl

5. Project Description: AlphabetSoup seeks to serve as a universal parser engine and 
API for ABC notation as detailed at http://www.abcmusicnotation.org/ for use by any 
ABC software developer on any platform.

6. Registration Description: AlphabetSoup seeks to serve as a universal parser engine 
and API for ABC notation as detailed at http://www.abcmusicnotation.org/ for use by 
any ABC software developer on any platform.

Years of use of ABC notation by the ABC community has shown that the ABC music 
notation concept might be greatly benefited by a parser written by and encouraging 
adherence to the standards set by the developers of the ABC musical notation standard.

Development language and  style has yet to be set in stone.  Currently discussion is 
leaning towards implementation using ANSI C and/or C++.

While format is yet to be determined, goals are not.  The goals of this project are:

1. To write a parser in lockstep with development and refinement of the ABC standard.
2. To write a parser available to developers writing for any platform existing, and 
yet to exist.
3. To encourage, but not limit developers to adhere to the ABC standard, while 
allowing for certain extensions and user-created elements.
4. To possess an intuitive and useful API to ease ABC software development, and 
encourage use of the unified parser.
5. To write a parser which makes very efficient use of machine resources so that it 
may be scaled for use by handheld and real-time megaWebMusicDatabase servers alike.


Status ------

Your request should be reviewed by SourceForge.net staff in the next
two business days (9AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday).  Response
regarding your project (notice of rejection/approval) will be posted
to your >My SourceForge.net Projects page (accessible via the My SF.net
link at the top of each site page).  No email notification will be
provided about approval/rejection of your project.



Christian Marcus Cepel            | And the wrens have returned &
[EMAIL PROTECTED] icq:12384980  | are nesting; In the hollow of
371 Crown Point, Columbia, MO     | that oak where his heart once
65203-2202 573.999.2370           | had been; And he lifts up his
Computer Support Specialist, Sr.  | arms in a blessing; For being
University of Missouri - Columbia | born again.    --Rich Mullins

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