Geoffrey Loker writes:
| Can anyone here tell me how to go about checking to see if a song or a
| tune is under copyright protection?

You have a lot of work ahead ... ;-)

Quite a lot of people have looked into this, and  concluded  that  in
general it's not doable. If you know who owns the copyright, it's not
too difficult, but of course that assumes you know the answer  before
you  go  looking for it.  If you have a tune of unknown ownership, it
seems that the best you can do is to go to a repository such  as  the
US  Library  of  Congress and do a manual search through all of their
musical publications.  This is a full-time job that will last several
years on the average.

One of the funnier examples of the difficulty: I've had a  few  email
exchanges  with  people at a couple of publishers, which I started by
asking how I would check to see if a  particular  tune  was  one  for
which they owned the copyright. Their answer (written with a straight
face as far as I can tell)  was  that  I  should  buy  all  of  their
publications  and  search them for the tune.  I'd specifically ask if
this was really their suggestion, and they said  that  yes,  it  was.
I've only tried this with a few publishers, but I suspect that all of
them view it this way.

As far as can be determined, the only fast way to determine who  owns
a tune is to publish, record or perform it, and see if anyone files a
lawsuit.  But even this has a problem: If nobody sues you, you  still
don't  know whether the tune has a copyright.  Maybe the owner didn't
notice what you did.  Or maybe they're waiting to see if you make any
money from the tune before suing you.

Anyone know a faster way?

(You can also ask on a list like this one, FWIW. ;-)

I've also been involved in another sort of discussion of how we might
set  up  a  searchable  online archive of ABC versions of copyrighted
songs, and use it as a sort of "sting" to entice lawsuits.  The  idea
would  be  to  get the courts to decide that the current situation is
illegal, since it requires that  musicians  know  something  that  is
being  intentionally hidden from them by copyright owners.  But doing
this would require some pretty  deep  pockets  to  handle  the  legal
battle, so the discussions don't get anywhere.

| I am in the midst of compiling a collection of old-ish songs (using
| ABC to enter the tunes for printing, storage, etc. [there - I've made
| the post relevant to the list]), and I need to know how to check on
| the copyright status for songs *and* for tunes (since a number of the
| songs are parodies of other songs, or share tunes).  I am primarily
| interested in how to check the copyright status of songs in Canada,
| although knowing how to do it in the United States and the United
| Kingdom would be interesting and potentially helpful too.

You really have a lot of work ahead ... ;-)

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