
As some of you might know I'm a long time abc user, and I'm mostly very happy with the simplicity and flexibility offered by abc and the beautiful output produced by abcm2ps. But...

There's one thing that has often annoyed me: the need to use "*" for matching words with notes when using ties. Consider the following three versions of the same music:

CD2E2F2G- | G8
w:this is what I mean.*

CD- DE- EF- FG- | G8
w:this is* what* I* mean.*

CD2E- EF2G- | G8
w:this is what I mean

Although the music is exactly the same I need to have different amounts of *'s. Not too elegant. Often I change my mind about how to notate a certain rhythm, but them I must also spend time matching ties with *'s.

The third line is not producing the decired result in abc, but this is how I would like to write the segment.

Of course there's gonna be the discussion about breaking old abc, but maybe we could figure out a way to have both live peacefully together?

So, what do you all think?

peace, love & harmony

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