On 8/07/2011 3:46 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
> The case of text descriptions is similar, i.e. after reading the
> description the "return to prior POR" key could cause return to the
> video object (a non-text POR).
I really don't think the live region aspect of this is relevant to 
braille users. For braille users, scrolling the display if they're 
already focused in the description object makes more sense. Being 
constantly bounced back and forth between PORs seems to me a fairly 
unlikely use case when consuming media. In any case:

> There would have to be some way to indicate the prior POR object,
> perhaps a new IA2 relation that links back to either the prior form
> control or caret offset in the case of a legacy live region or to the
> video element in the case of this new concept of a video text
> description live region.
I don't think the API needs to cover this, not least because the POR 
might have been somewhere else entirely (e.g. screen reader review). If 
an AT wants to implement this, it should just keep track of the last POR 
itself, though as I noted above, I'm not convinced this is really useful.

> In the latter case the AT could activate
> IAccessibleAction::doAction on the accessilble object representing the
> video object to signal completion.
That's actually a really interesting point and would avoid the need for 
a separate method. However, it would require a better action interface 
which can accept predefined action constants, as iterating through all 
actions is fairly inefficient. I'm thinking something similar to the 
proposed relations change.


James Teh
Vice President, Developer
NV Access Inc, ABN 61773362390
Email: ja...@nvaccess.org
Web site: http://www.nvaccess.org/
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