Great news! Pete and all, thank you for the work!
Thank you.

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 6:15 AM, Pete Brunet <> wrote:

>  The new version is now on the LF site at
>  I found a
> couple of minor errors which I will fix soon.  The proxy DLL hasn't been
> verified yet.
> Pete
> On 4/9/13 10:32 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
> I opened a ticket with the LF admins to archive the 1.2.1 files and add
> the 1.3 files.  I hope someone can verify the new IA2 proxy.  For now
> it's at:
> Pete
> On 3/15/13 10:58 AM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
>  Hopefully Jamie could help with that. I'd be great to have it early Q2.
> Alex.
> On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 12:43 AM, Pete Brunet <> 
> <> wrote:
>  On 3/14/13 11:03 PM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> I'm fine with that. I would say "As a performant alternative" or
> something similar.
> Btw, Pete, what is a plan about releasing?
> I can have these files moved onto the Linux Foundation site at any point now
> (after I make the fix we are talking about).  I would like at least one
> person to try the proxy dll before I do.  Is there a date you are looking at
> for getting this done?
> Alex.
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 12:40 PM, Pete Brunet <> 
> <> wrote:
> On 3/14/13 9:30 PM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> Hi, Pete.
> 1) It makes sense to not deprecate IAccessible2::relations since it
> can be useful for AT tools. In this case maxRelations argument is not
> really needed and it can be marked as ignored but it's not big deal.
> Is there a reason to not deprecate it, i.e. do we need implementers to spend
> the time on it?  What can be done with it that can't be done with
> IA2_2:relationTargetsOfType?
> I bet this method is in use in accProbe and aViewer already and it
> must be pretty handy for them. If next IAccessible2 introduces more
> relation types then tools developers don't need to change their code,
> release new version, etc. On the another hand relation type is a
> string so technically the server can implement non standard relations.
> The method to get all of them is quite useful in this case.
> Are there any objections to removing the deprecate tag on IA2::nRelations,
> relation, relations and adding a note to the relations method saying: As an
> alternative, client code should consider using IA2_2::relationTargetsOfType?
> Thank you.
> Alex.
> On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Pete Brunet <> 
> <> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> On 3/4/13 10:29 PM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> Hi, Pete. More feedback.
> 1) It makes sense to not deprecate IAccessible2::relations since it
> can be useful for AT tools. In this case maxRelations argument is not
> really needed and it can be marked as ignored but it's not big deal.
> Is there a reason to not deprecate it, i.e. do we need implementers to spend
> the time on it?  What can be done with it that can't be done with
> IA2_2:relationTargetsOfType?
> 2) IAccessible2_2::accessibleWithCaret: "Returns the hypertext
> accessible in the subtree of this object, and the caret offset within
> it". It doesn't say which object is returned. In my understanding it
> should be the deepest one.
> I changed that to: Returns the deepest hypertext accessible...  Hopefully
> Arnstein will comment if this is not correct.
> 3) Honestly I failed to understand IA2Actions
> (, it
> seems referred methods like textAtOffset
> (
> say nothing about IA2Action support. I'd be great to provide an
> example how it works. Otherwise it sounds too generic.
> I'm glad you noticed this.  The preamble text is wrong.  I copied it from
> IA2TextBoundaryType as a prototype and didn't finish the work.  These are
> the actions we defined for adding support for HTML5 media.  I changed the
> preamble text to:
> /** This enum defines values which are predefined actions for use when
> implementing
>  support for media.
>  This enum is used when specifying an action for
> IAccessibleAction::doAction.
> */
> 4) changelog ( lists
> relations, however they aren't listed in 
> interface
> Fixed.
> 5) IA2_RELATION_CONTAINING_DOCUMENT: makes sense to mention that
> returned object implements IAccessibleDocument interface.
> I added: The target object implements the IAccessibleDocument interface.
> Otherwise it looks good.
> Thanks Alex, I refreshed the IA2 files
> - The change log:
> - IA2 spec:
> - The individual IDL files:
>   or the full IDL file:
> Did anyone try the new proxy?
> Thank you.
> Alex.
> On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 6:34 AM, Pete Brunet <> 
> <> wrote:
> Please review the following.  This should be the final unless updates are
> needed.
> - The change log:
> - IA2 spec:
> - The individual IDL files:
>   or the full IDL file:
> - The proxy:
> Pete
> On 2/26/13 12:30 AM, Pete Brunet wrote:
> If don't hear anything over the next couple of days, I'll assume this won't
> be in 1.3 and I'll finish up the work I need to do to republish the spec 
> for one more look at it before I get in touch with the Linux
> Foundation IT guys to get it published there.
> On 2/25/13 11:58 PM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
> Probably we should let IA2 1.3 go without addressing this issue. In
> Firefox we still can use IA2 to expose it in non-standard way (like
> new object attribute).
> Alex.
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 2:49 PM, James Teh <> 
> <> wrote:
> On 26/02/2013 4:12 PM, Pete Brunet wrote:
> So Is the following what you want?  It moves the method from
> IA2_2 to IAText2 thus resolving an issue for Jamie.
> HRESULT IAccessibleText2::offsetOfChildText (
>        [in] IUnknown* child,
>        [out] long* offset
>     );
> ...
>    S_OK is returned if the parent accessible implements IAccessibleText.
>    S_FALSE is returned if the parent accessible does not implement
> IAccessibleText; [out] value is -1.
> This text needs to be changed for the new method.
> That said, this certainly does look nicer to me. I still think it's a bit of
> a hack, especially given that IAccessibleHyper* should really cover this,
> but at least it's an isolated hack.
> Jamie
> --
> James Teh
> Director, NV Access Limited
> Email:
> Web site:
> Phone: +61 7 5667 8372
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> *Pete Brunet*
>  a11ysoft - Accessibility Architecture and Development
> (512) 467-4706 (work), (512) 689-4155 (cell)
> Skype: pete.brunet
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