Alex, you must not NOT concatenate error message to details or describedby relationships. You were given a 5 reasons why this would be a huge problem.
Also aria-errormessage does not take multiple IDs.

Rich Schwerdtfeger
----- Original message -----
From: Alexander Surkov <>
To: James Teh <>
Cc: Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, IAccessible2 mailing list <>, Brett Lewis <>, Joanmarie Diggs <>, Dominic Mazzoni <>
Subject: Re: Agreement on concatenation of aria-describedby and aria-errormessage relationships
Date: Thu, Sep 8, 2016 6:41 AM
Understood. Would it be helpful if we had 'errormessage' object attribute for that? I assume that having both a relation and a concatenated string for error message would address needs of all consumers.
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 8:16 PM, James Teh <> wrote:

To clarify, I'm concerned about aria-errormessage here. For aria-details, we wouldn't be trying to report the information as one chunk. Instead, the user would perform a command to navigate to the details, at which point they would browse it like they browse any other content.


For aria-errormessage, the use case I'm concerned about is when the user focuses an aria-invalid element with aria-errormessage. In that case, we need to report the aria-errormessage content as one chunk. Because this is focus handling, we don't use the buffer for this. There may not even be a buffer in this case, since we don't need a buffer in, say, an ARIA role="application".

On 8/09/2016 2:15 AM, Alexander Surkov wrote:
Shouldn't it be same speed as walking the virtual buffer? I assume aria-details may contain complex content, for example Pythagorean Theorem from [1], that may be not suitable for stringification in general.

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 11:31 PM, James Teh <> wrote:

That doesn't solve the need to walk the tree to gather the error message, which is the real problem.

On 7/09/2016 12:21 PM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
I think Dominic's suggestion on an interface tester with bit flags works well.

Rich Schwerdtfeger
----- Original message -----
From: James Teh <>
To: Richard Schwerdtfeger/Austin/IBM@IBMUS,,,
Subject: Re: Agreement on concatenation of aria-describedby and aria-errormessage relationships
Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2016 7:19 PM

Fair enough. Thanks for the clear reasoning.


My one remaining concern is performance, but we will clearly need to find an alternative technical solution to this problem. In short, not concatenating means that for every focus event, we need to check for the invalid state plus an errormessage relation and then, if one is found, walk the tree for the target to gather the message. The latter in particular could be unacceptably slow.

On 7/09/2016 6:35 AM, Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
The ARIA working group is against concatenating the description and relationship strings. I will try to summarize:
Specifically, concatenation by browsers could:
  1. Defeat the purposes of aria-errormessage. The aria-errormessage relationship is designed to ensure assistive technology users are as aware of error messages as other users and to enable them to distinguish between error messages and field descriptions. The constraints of ARIA 1.0, and every other accessibility standard and API that preceded it, have forced developers to blend error messages and field descriptions. This blending has long inhibited both the perception and understanding of error messages, which are critical to effective operation of many user interfaces.
  2. increase cognitive load for users when errors are present. Especially for screen reader users, we already have severe challenges with excess verbosity that forces the user to expend energy sorting out the most important aspects of screen reader feedback. Concatenating potentially very disparate content in this manner would aggravate the verbosity problem.
  3. Reduce assistive technology flexibility. Part of the power of ARIA is that it gives assistive technologies the ability to present content in the manner best suited for their target audiences. When browsers eliminate semantically relevant distinctions, this type of flexibility is diminished. If this concatenation were performed, it would essentially eliminate the semantic distinctions.  If an assistive technology developer wanted to present the field description separate from the error messages, the developer would be forced to ignore the browser-computed description when error messages are present and reconstruct the description computation within the assistive technology.
  4. Lead either browsers or authors to devise their own string-based tokenization capability. Because aria-errormessage is a separate relationship, there will be designers and developers who want to ensure there is a method for parsing the string into its separate components. This would reduce the robustness of the solution and create both inconsistencies and complexity, especially when localizing implementations.
  5. Introduce serious problems with globalization: namely there is no clean way to concatenate the 2 strings in a way that will make sense. We cannot put in a space as some languages don't have them (Mandarin). Concatenating them together does not read properly.
The aria-errormessage relationship is intended to address long-standing accessibility issues faced by both developers and end users. The energy required to find effective remedies to those issues will definitely pay dividends for assistive technology users.
Would each of you weigh in. Again this is now holding up 3 working groups going on 3 weeks now.  Do we agree on not concatenating the two strings?

Rich Schwerdtfeger
James Teh
Executive Director, NV Access Limited
Ph +61 7 3149 3306
Twitter: @NVAccess
James Teh
Executive Director, NV Access Limited
Ph +61 7 3149 3306
Twitter: @NVAccess
James Teh
Executive Director, NV Access Limited
Ph +61 7 3149 3306
Twitter: @NVAccess

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