Alberto-2 wrote > Hi all, and used LibreOffice in its latest version and me and noticed > that my NVDA screen reader reads not impress presentations. Is it > possible to add support for reading the presentations with this screen > reader? Or is it possible to implement some method to read them? Thank > you very much for your answers.
For playing back Imperss presentation with Screen reader (NVDA or Orca) I believe Export to tagged PDF (rather than export to HTML) probably provides best presentation fidelity--although embedded images and graphics may not have any annotation/description--that depends on the author adding them. The authoring environment is reasonably well supported for keyboard navigation and screen reader use--but the structure of the frames and controls are sometimes unclear while nvaigating. Too much dependence on visual queues. Fortunately <F10> takes you to the Main menu, and <Sfhit> <F10> drops you back into the slide canvas. And once homed back to a know spot, <F6> or <Shift>+<F6> move between the panels, supplemented with <Tab> and <cursor> movments- and a smattering of defined shortcut accelerators. Found here: and here: -- View this message in context: Sent from the Accessibility mailing list archive at -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted