As I stated in a previous reply which I sent to this list, I'm running Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit edition with NVDA 2016.1 and Window-Eyes 9.3. Thankfully, the accessibility experience appears to be what I'm used to with older versions of LibreOffice. There is an odd issue with Calc which I initially thought was corrected but, as I now remember, I think the fix was only a partial one. When using Calc, I am able to easily navigate from one cell to the next using arrow keys and NVDA reads the contents of the cell if "report table cell coordinates is enabled in the Document Settings dialog. However, when I open a new workbook at that point, NVDA may read the first two cells but then stops reading as I move arrow keys. If I alt-tab to the last open window and then alt-tab back into the workbook, cells are read normally as I use arrow keys. Window-Eyes 9.3 still causes Writer and Calc to crash when they are opened. When running Window-Eyes, the first time I opened Writer it told me that Writer crashed and would save recovered files but subsequent attempts to open Writer yield no output. It's as if the program never opened. This behavior occurred with a previous version of Window-Eyes and I will therefore report this to AI Squared, the developer of this particular screen reader.

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