Have a nice evening from

My name is Wolfgang Kremser, I am using the NVDA screen reader. I became
friends with LibreOffice because the program with its "old" menu is much
easier for me to use.

I encountered some problems while using it and asked whether the problems
also occur with other users with screen readers and whether there is an

System: Windows 10 pro. 64 bit in german
Screen reader: NVDA version 2019.3.1 in german
 6.4.2 - 64 Bit in German

I have problems creating and editing autotext in the LibreOffice text
To create a new text module or to edit one, my screen reader no longer shows
me anything after activating "Autotext" with the space bar. Everything
can be seen optically, but the screen reader does not show the specified
options (e.g. new or edit) or the speech does not speak.

As a result, the creation of a text module or editing with "Autotext" is
not successful!

I look forward to answers and, if possible, solutions.
Best wishes

Wolfgang Kremser


Wolfgang Kremser
Neilreichgasse 99/9/12
1100 Wien
Österreich / Austria

E-Mail: wolfgang.krem...@gmx.at

Tel. Festnetz: +43 1 604 13 58 (Anrufbeantworter)
Tel. Mobil: +43 664 25 45 999

Skype: Verkehrswolferl
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wolfgang.kremser.735

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