Hello. I should add that many years ago it was true that JAWS did not support LibreOffice very well and, at that time, NVDA was definitely a better screen reader to be using. However, over time this has changed.

Chantal, I'm afraid that I don't have the specific answers to your questions as I am only a casual user of Writer and have used it to perform what some would rightfully consider to be very basic editing. I don't know if a tutorial exists which is geared toward users of screen readers. I would be more than willing to participate in such a project if I improve my Writer skills as I really believe in what the Document Foundation is doing and have always appreciated their work since LibreOffice was first launched. I have a background in product training and support and have written professional documentation in the past and so assisting with a tutorial for visually impaired user is something which appeals to me. And if I ever do work on such a tutorial I promise not to write the type of run-on sentences that you see in this message. It is a bad habit of mine. 😊

David Goldfield,
Blindness Assistive Technology Specialist
JAWS Certified, 2019


On 9/23/2020 11:35 PM, David Goldfield wrote:
Hi. I wanted to report that I have been using LibreOffice off and on with JAWS 2020 with good success. I have recently used JAWS with LibreOffice version 7 and it works quite well. Admittedly, you're going to get the best accessibility experience with Microsoft 365 but LibreOffice, at least Writer and Calc, will work reasonably well with JAWS 2020.

David Goldfield,
Blindness Assistive Technology Specialist
JAWS Certified, 2019


On 9/21/2020 2:07 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:
Hi Chantal,

Sorry, unfortunately JAWS has no support for the IAccessible2 based
accessible event API that is implemented in LibreOffice.  You would have to
shift to the NVDA screen reader on Windows, or to a Linux with its ORCA
screen reader to use LibreOffice.

If you remain with JAWS, it has support for the Microsoft UIA API used in
later Office product offerings. As does the NVDA screen reader.


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