Made a similar but opposite request in Numbers are treated as text with a trailing apostrophe (and converted to negative when bracketed). All spreadsheet tools have this well-known behavior for sake of accessibility. By default, you see numbers right-aligned while text is left.

Some kind of data type highlighter could be handy, OTOH. What I have in mind is a command that toggles all formatting off and shows text with a certain background color, numbers, formulas etc.

On 10.02.21 20:42, earthballoon wrote:
Hey there,
i just spent an hour trying to fix a broken calculation result and almost
went crazy.
The issue turned out to be a number with a --> ' <--- in front of it. That
is not visible, but only in the edit field of the cell.
In my case it led to a different result than in my accounting software, I
was summing up a bunch of cells.

Before I had switched from English to German "Locale" settings, so that
numbers would be displayed with a comma instead of point. I don't know how
this sign got before the number, but in any case it led to wrong calculating

I consider this very dangerous, since I rely on the results for pretty
important stuff....
And hope that the community picks this up in some way! ;)
thanks, peace

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