On 31/05/2022 14.20, Jason White wrote:
It seems to be very much a matter of unaddressed bugs and regressions. The Document Foundation advertised a contract (presumably fulfilled by now) to rewrite the accessibility regression testing infrastructure in C++.

FWIW, that conversion to C++ is currently still being worked on.

That's an important step, but once the testing is in place, someone is going to have to find and start fixing the bugs - then maintain the quality of the implementation over time.

Maintaining quality and avoiding regressions is where many accessibility efforts fall apart, whether in the free software world or in the products of large and well resourced corporations. There is also a tendency to implement solutions only partially, but not with good enough quality to satisfy the needs of the users. Being a large corporation with vast financial reasources doesn't necessarily resolve these difficulties. On the other hand, well organized and resourced free software projects can be remarkably successful in this area.


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