On 2024-05-09 21:30, Jason J.G. White wrote:
On 9/5/24 15:17, Gabriele Battaglia wrote:
Hi. With NVDA, How can I use the key shortcuts to move along a writer document? Commands like H to jump over headers?

I don't know whether this is supported - it isn't in Linux, which is the environment with which I'm familiar, due to LibreOffice limitations.

However, I just use the Navigator in LibreOffice, and I don't miss the screen reader navigation commands. Having the feature as part of the application is better, in my opinion.

NVDA's browse mode indeed currently doesn't work with LibreOffice, and would need work in both, LibreOffice and NVDA to make it a reality.

Related tickets:

As Jason writes, LibreOffice's own navigator can be used as an alternative for now.

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