On 2024-06-19 08:48, Michael Weghorn wrote:
On 2024-06-18 14:38, Jason J.G. White wrote:
Orca does however announce the accessible *name* (not the description by default, at least in my setup) when using the "To Next Frame" shortcut Shift+F4 to select the image.

Whether or not the accessible description is announced by Orca is generally configurable in Orca's settings. But it turns out that even when announcing descriptions is enabled in Orca, the description is not announced for objects in LibreOffice.

It turns out that this was explicitly disabled in Orca for LibreOffice (except for "WhereAmI" mode) in the past, in this commit:

If I remove that locally for testing, Orca does announce the image description as well when the image gets focus via Shift+F4.

If it's desirable to have descriptions announced, eliminating the unnecessary "chattiness" observed in the past (if it's still known what that is) and then changing Orca to announce descriptions again might be a way forward.

@joanie: Any thoughts on that?

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