Hello Accessindia,

Some of you must have come across a recent NDTV news
report, which tells us about a case of a
mentally-challenged girl being sexually harassed in
some institution for the mentally-challenged women in
Gaziabad. The issue is, and must be, a matter of great
concern for each one of us. Like it or not, several
visually challenged girls also are being victimised of
such malpractices in several institutions. In Delhi,
for instance, we often hear about such cases in many
hostels for college-going visually challenged girls in
muffled voices. 

In this list, we have many people who are working for
NGOs and various other kinds of such activities.
Therefore, I find this list a very significant
plateform for the discussion of issues of an extreme
concern like this. I strongly feell, and would like to
assert, that there must be some law or some kind of
code of conduct to prevents such instances of the
visually challenged women's sexual harassments.  

Therefore, I would like to have a discussion on this
matter in the list.



Smriti Singh
Programme: M. Phil (English Literature)
Room # 03
Sabarmati Hostel
Jawaharlal Nehru University

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