Mostly in the competitive exams. the authority who conducts the exams does 
prescribe the qualifications of a scribe. Generally, 1. The scribe should 
not belong to the same discipline of the candidates; 2. He /she should be 
one level below the candidate; 3. He /she must not  have obtained more than 
50%. I believe the persons having such restrictions  generally be slow in 
reading the questions and writing the answers. The competitive exams require 
not writing  but ticking and require reading. The scribe should be 
acquainted with numbers and numeric symbols. If not the VC could not catch 
the questions.In such situations they will be jeopardized.

In this circumstance I wish to  inform you all that TNPC. do not prescribe 
the marks for the criteria for the scribe.
They themselves arrange scribes & keep recorder to check malpractices.I find 
it is useful for all exams.

Recently CBSC allows to use computer for exams for those who are acquainted 
with computer application. This also more helpful.

I wish exams should be more accessible to the VCs.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "pamnani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 6:19 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Writer

> 1. There is no restrictions on the writer except the one about being one
> grade lower if from the same stream.
> 2. No question of sanction.
> 3. adding Harish's points regarding change of writer and multiple writers.
> Kanchan
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "P. Subramani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 16:02
> Subject: Re: [AI] Writer
>>I would suggest that scribe/writer must not be made ineligible even though
>> he/she is a blood relative. This is because, last Bangalore University
>> refused to permit a blind candidate to take his mother or any other blood
>> relatives as his  scribe.  Sanction/permission of the University/boards
>> for
>> scribes/writers must be abolished as it is a log long process and
>> permission
>> from their concerned school/college should be enough.  Many times, there
>> could be a last minute with designated/approved scribe, in such cases,
>> procedures must be simplified so that necessary changes to this effect 
>> can
>> be made.  With more students opting professional courses, it is 
>> definitely
>> difficult to find a suitable scribe,  there should be minimum criteria. 
>> A
>> colleague of mine who took departmental exams was insisted upon by my
>> office
>> that the scribe must be a employee of the office subject to all other
>> requirements.  Despite my objections to such insistence, my colleague 
>> went
>> accepted.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> To: "Pamnani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
>> Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 6:27 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AI] Writer
>>> Hello Kanchan,
>>> I am sorry that I couldn't reply of your previous mail due to having 
>>> some
>>> technical problems in my PC. for a week.
>>> You should contact to VIKAS KAPOOR {A.I. MEMBER} for getting Circular of
>>> DU.
>>> for this regard.
>>> I think, you may consider to add one point in your petition, that is:
>>> Writer should be able to write and to read perfectly in English and
>>> regional
>>> / other concerned language because sometimes, the writer is perfect in
>>> his
>>> own subject, but he or she is not able to read and write perfectly
>>> specially
>>> in English and even though in Hindi or other regional language.
>>> Please send me your contact mobile and phone number.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rakesh.
>>> Mob: (91) 9868250258,
>>> LL: 0120-2611158.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Pamnani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 5:06 PM
>>> Subject: [AI] Writer
>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>> As you know we are in Court and this matter is sub judice. Has anybody
>>>> got
>>>> any further suggestions on this topic. These are the few suggestions
>>>> that
>>>> I have worked out and most have been accepted by the Government 
>>>> Advocate
>>>> however if there are better suggestions then I can get them in before
>>>> Monday morning.
>>>> Will appreciate some response.
>>>> Points
>>>> 1. That the scribe/writer should either be provided by the examining
>>>> authority or be arranged by the candidate himself/herself at the
>>>> discretion of the candidate.
>>>> 2. Any attempt of cheating can be curved by ensuring proper supervision
>>>> and vigilance by the invigilators.
>>>> 3. Considering the practical problems, it is necessary that if the
>>>> scribe
>>>> is provided by the examination conducting authorities, such authorities
>>>> must ensure the competence of the scribe.
>>>> 4. The recruiting authorities should make it very clear in the
>>>> advertisement it self regarding availability of writers.
>>>> 5. The Candidate should furnish in the application form it self that
>>>> he/she would like to avail the facility of writer from the examining
>>>> body
>>>> or he himself would arrange for the writer.
>>>> 6. The examining body should identify the scribes/writers and make the
>>>> panels at district/Division or state level as per requirement of
>>>> examination.
>>>> 7. The Panels of scribe should be as per requirement of the
>>>> stream/discipline eg. Arts, Commerce, Science & Mathematics,
>>>> Engineering,
>>>> Medical etc. and only eligible scribes be included in the panel.
>>>> 8. It is desirable that the candidate and the scribe are from the same
>>>> stream.
>>>> 9. That the scribe/ writer should be one grade junior in academic
>>>> qualification than the candidate if from the same stream however, no
>>>> restriction on the grade in academic qualification.
>>>> 10. No other restriction should be imposed.
>>>> 11. Refreshments, if any to scribes/writers should either be served
>>>> before
>>>> or after the examination
>>>> 12. Candidate and scribe should be provided with full information about
>>>> the duration of the examination.
>>>> 13.              Additional time for 3 hour Paper of 60 minutes (1 
>>>> hour)
>>>> in each paper.
>>>> i.                     for a written test of duration of 1 hour at 
>>>> least
>>>> 20 minutes extra time should be allotted.
>>>> ii.                   Similarly for written tests involving more than
>>>> one
>>>> or less than one hour extra time should be worked out on the basis of 
>>>> 20
>>>> minutes per
>>>> one hour criteria.
>>>> 14. Proper sitting arrangement are made before commencement of the
>>>> examination so as to avoid confusion and distraction.
>>>> 15. Sitting arrangements for the dyslexic, blind physically handicapped
>>>> and spastic candidates are made on the ground floor, as far as 
>>>> possible.
>>>> 16. Alternative type questions are provided in lieu of question having
>>>> visual inputs for the blind candidates.
>>>> 17. Purely mathematical questions should be eliminated as per Section 
>>>> 30
>>>> (f) it would be logical to eliminate those sections from the written
>>>> test
>>>> which are purely visual in nature such as graphs, pictures or maps.
>>>> 18. Blind candidates have the facility to write answers in Braille or 
>>>> on
>>>> a
>>>> computer or a typewriter . The answer paper in Braille should be
>>>> evaluated
>>>> by the expert/examiners in Braille script.
>>>> 19. Guidelines do not cause hardship discrimination and harassment to
>>>> the
>>>> person with disabilities.
>>>> 20. The SSC/HSC Boards, Universities, all educational institutions and
>>>> all
>>>> recruiting authorities should follow these instructions scrupulously 
>>>> and
>>>> report he compliance.
>>>> Kanchan Pamnani
>>>> Advocate & Solicitor
>>>> 9, Suleman Chambers,
>>>> Battery Street, Colaba,
>>>> Mumbai - 400 039.
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