I am pasting below an article from Christian Science Monitor

Anonymity on the Web may seem attractive, but how you use it raises interesting 
ethical dilemmas.
Tom Regan |

On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog, as a famous New Yorker cartoon once 
said. Nobody knows when you're the CEO of a big company, either, or a popular
doctor, or a columnist posting comments on his or her own writings - if you're 
writing under an assumed name. And while anonymity can be an attractive
feature of the Internet, how and when you use it raises some interesting 
ethical questions.

In particular, is it OK for a prominent public figure to anonymously criticize 
his critics, or anonymously promote his or her company?

Three recent cases illustrate this point. Last week, John Mackey, the CEO of 
Whole Foods, the natural foods supermarket, was exposed as "rahodeb," a frequent
poster in the Yahoo! finance message boards for years. When he wasn't 
anonymously touting his own company in the postings, he was often attacking his 
competition, Wild Oats. And now that Whole Foods is trying to buy Wild Oats, 
his anonymous postings have come back to haunt him.

Late Friday, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced an "informal 
investigation" into rahodeb's postings to see if any laws had been broken. But
even if no laws were broken, many business experts have raised questions about 
the ethics of Mr. Mackey's actions, and more than a few say it has damaged
both him and his company.

In another example of anonymous posting gone bad, a well-known Boston 
pediatrician's penchant for anonymous blogging produced what The Boston Globe 
to in May as a "Perry Mason moment." Under cross examination in a malpractice 
trial in which he was the defendant, Dr. Robert P. Lindeman admitted that
he was the blogger known as "flea." Most jurors had no idea why such 
information was important and probably ignored it.

Yet the very next day, Dr. Lindeman settled the case against him. Why? As "Dr. 
Flea," he had made several derogatory postings about the jury hearing his
case on his medical blog.

"Flea had ridiculed the plaintiff's case and the plaintiff's lawyer," wrote the 
Globe. "He had revealed the defense strategy. He had accused members of
the jury of dozing."

Journalists had a field day with this material, so you'd figure that they would 
know better about posting anonymously. But that wasn't the case for Pulitzer
Prize-winning columnist Michael Hiltzik, who writes the Golden State column for 
the Los Angeles Times. In April 2006, Mr. Hiltzik admitted he'd posted
remarks on both his L.A. Times blog and on other websites under names other 
than his own, apparently in an effort to reply to conservative bloggers who
had attacked his writings. The columnist used more than one pseudonym, 
sometimes having his alter egos argue with one another.

Hiltzik was suspended for a time and had his blog taken away.

Anonymous posting is part of the Internet culture. Visit any popular blog or 
forum, and you'll see that most comments are made under pseudonyms. In most
cases, postings are made by folks who want to express their opinions on 
politics or entertainment figures or some popular fad.

Nothing can stop a well-known public figure from posting anonymously. In fact, 
the temptation must be even greater for them, since in their public lives,
they have to carefully watch everything they say.

Josh Ehrlich, a New York-based executive coach with a doctorate in psychology, 
says that the Mackey case may not be so unusual. "Executives like to know
how they are viewed and how their companies are viewed," he says in a phone 
interview. "But there is this illusion on anonymity that they think protects
them. I think we'll find out that there are a lot more executives doing this. I 
know we're just talking about the Mackey case, but I think we'll find out
that it's just the tip of the iceberg."

It may be common, but it's not smart. Common sense says that public figures 
need to be as careful with anonymous posts as they are with their daily 
because those posts may eventually be used against them. All three of the 
anonymous "posters" above were "outed" by those trying to gain an advantage in
a lawsuit or trying to make them look bad.

There is also that nasty ethical issue: Just because you can write under a 
pseudonym doesn't mean you should, especially if it compromises your integrity
or threatens your company.

Avoiding the use of pseudonyms online is not just good advice for public 
figures, it works for everyone. The freedom of the Internet doesn't mean you can
do whatever you want without consequence. Many ways exist to trace "anonymous" 
posts. The Los Angeles Times, for example, used Internet addresses to trace
Hiltzik's postings back to his work computer.

When speaking about the Internet at conferences or seminars, I give this advice 
about e-mail, posting comments in a forum, or sending instant messages:
Don't write anything online that you would not like to see on the front page of 
The New York Times. Ask Bill Gates: That's where his e-mails ended up during
the Microsoft antitrust case in the late 1990s.

On the Internet nobody may know you're a dog. But don't count on the fact that 
someone won't be able to find out where that dog lives.
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