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From: "BlindNews Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Blind News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 10:38 AM
Subject: India: New career options for visually challenged.

> India:  New career options for visually challenged.
> Economic Times - India
> 23 Jul, 2007.
> NEW DELHI: With beauty and personal care sector coming up as one of the
> fastest-growing in India, it is also offering a chance for the visually
> impaired
> to break the traditional mould and look for new career opportunities.
> Some 50 visually challenged people have undergone training in therapeutic
> massage since the Blind Relief Association, New Delhi, started a course in
> collaboration
> with the Vandana Luthra Curls and Curves (VLCC) Institute three years ago.
> "It is a vocational course mainly aimed at imparting scientific training 
> to
> the blind in massaging and body therapy techniques to help them become
> self-reliant,"
> says A David, the project manager of the Association who designed the
> course, open for both men and women who passed eighth standard with 
> science
> as one
> of the subjects.
> Covering relaxation and therapeutic massage, pressure point massage and
> aromatherapy, the three-month course is recognised by the VLCC, which
> imparts training
> to the instructors and awards certificate to the students.
> Four batches have passed out since the course was started in 2004, and 
> while
> some 15 visually impaired students are working independently, several have
> opened their own massage parlours, providing jobs to others, says Rampal
> Singh, who is working as an instructor. The Association is also providing
> self-employment
> and placement assistance.
> "We are imparting the training free of cost to equip the visually 
> challenged
> to make a career for themselves," Yogesh Sethi, the CEO of VLCC Health 
> Care
> Ltd, says.
> http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/News_By_Industry/New_career_options_for_visually_challenged/articleshow/2226470.cms
> --
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