Whom to contact to purchase these titles?  Do they send through "Free matter 
for the blind"?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "harish kotian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 2:52 PM
Subject: [AI] Popular science books

> Hello Friends
> I rescently attended a seminar at Banglore organised by National book 
> trust.
> They have some of the books in Braille as well. I however, don't have that 
> list.
> I have collected the ink-print titles and I am pasting for your 
> information.
> Regards
> Harish.
> NBT Popular Science Books
> About Time
> Bal Phondke
> 215 pp
> Rs 70.00
> ISBN 81-237-4103-0
> Time assumes a mystic, surreal character when one realises that it has no 
> beginning or end. It is eternal. It flows only in one direction, from the 
> past to the future. This book tries to understand Time in its entirety, in 
> a Vikram-Betal story format.
> Chaos, Fractals and Self-organisation
> Arvind Kumar
> 186 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 81-237-1596-X
> The leaking tap in our bathroom exhibits chaos, the bronchial network of 
> our lungs has a fractal structure and all of us are marvellous 
> self-organising systems of Nature. In a lucid and non-technical account, 
> the book explains some of these pioneering ideas that are destined to 
> culminate in a new non-linear science of the next century.
> Also in: Asamiya, Hindi, Marathi & Oriya.
> Energy
> A K Bakhshi
> 100 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-1458-0
> The importance of energy in our daily life can never be overemphasised 
> particularly in today's world when fossil fuels are in danger of being 
> depleted. There is practically no activity which does not involve the 
> transfer or transformation of energy. This book discusses its various 
> aspects including the consequences of production and utilisation of energy 
> on our environment.
> Also in: Asamiya, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Oriya & Tamil.
> Fibre Optics
> G K Bhide
> 94 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-2937-5
> Based on the principle of total internal reflection and transparency of 
> glass, the study of fibre optics is an exciting new field. This book 
> describes how fibrescopes are used in surgery, and as cables by 
> communication experts to carry telephone calls and by engineers for 
> examining machines.
> Also in: Hindi.
> Joy of Making Indian Toys
> Sudarshan Khanna
> 126 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-2244-3
> This simple activity book teaches two things, namely, how to make 101 
> handmade toys which are playthings even today in remote corners of our 
> country and how toys, simple in design and based on science and 
> technology, can be made at home with discarded materials.
> Also in: Gujarati, Hindi, Malayalam & Oriya.
> Nano: The Next Revolution
> Mohan Sundara Rajan
> 179 pp
> Rs 75.00
> ISBN 81-237-4305-X
> This book explains the basics of nanotechnology-the next revolution in our 
> daily lives-its historical development, and the ongoing advances, 
> including the pioneering work done in India.
> Also in: Asamiya & Oriya.
> Quantum Mystery
> Rajat Chanda
> 113 pp
> Rs 36.00
> ISBN 81-237-2180-3
> The book discusses the laws of quantum mechanics, several amazing quantum 
> phenomena and the progress in understanding the connection between the 
> quantum and classical worlds. How the paradoxes arise and how to solve 
> them has been explained in detail, besides highlighting the significance 
> of Bell's theorem.
> Also in: Hindi.
> Radiation and Man
> H C Jain
> 98 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-1143-3
> A study of the natural and man-made radiation environment, dramatic 
> discoveries in the field, problems and risks involved in the use of 
> nuclear energy including the possibilities of malfunctioning of nuclear 
> reactors and disposal of radioactive wastes versus its benefits when 
> compared to other sources.
> Robots and Robotics
> M R Chidambara
> 94 pp
> Rs 30.00
> ISBN 81-237-0914-5
> This small volume describes the robots and also how the New Age will open 
> many new possibilities for their use in home and industry to the benefit 
> of mankind.
> Also in: Asamiya & Hindi.
> The Illusive World of Virtual Reality
> Tapan Bhattacharya
> 158 pp
> Rs 45.00
> ISBN 81-237-1949-3
> Man's innate desire for fantasising has been sustained considerably by the 
> advent of computers. By mimicking reality, virtual reality creates 
> fascinating illusions and stimulates various human senses.
> The Telecom Story and the Internet
> Mohan Sundara Rajan
> 209 pp
> Rs 60.00
> ISBN 81-237-1754-7
> An account of the latest technical developments in telecommunications and 
> the impact of the exploding internet traffic is given in non-technical 
> language.
> Also in: Hindi
> The Wonder Chip
> K D Pavate
> 116 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-1493-9
> This book attempts to explain the principles of silicon devices, some 
> interesting aspects of their fabrication technology and the spectrum of 
> their applications. It shows how the principles of electronic circuits in 
> communication, computers, information and other systems have undergone a 
> sea change with the advent of the integrated circuits.
> Also in: Asamiya.
> Wind Energy
> Suneel B Athawale
> 60 pp
> Rs 30.00
> ISBN 81-237-0679-0
> This book, through diagrams and illustrations, introduces the readers to 
> the non-conventional source of energy and explains how wind energy can be 
> converted into mechanical and electrical energy by windmills for 
> supplementing our energy needs.
> Also in: Asamiya, Hindi, Marathi, Oriya & Tamil.
> A Drug is Born
> Urmila Thatte & Sharadini Dahanukar
> 94 pp
> Rs 35.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-2864-3
> Medicines and drugs are prescribed for all ailments. What lies behind 
> their conception, from where they come and who discovered them-all this 
> and more on the exciting world of medicine is described in this book in an 
> interesting style.
> Chemical Elements in the New Age
> D V Jahagirdar
> 66 pp
> Rs 35.00
> ISBN 81-237-1121-2
> This book provides interesting reading material on some lesser known 
> aspects of chemical elements of the New Age, including their applications 
> in superconductivity, computer and space research.
> Also in: Asamiya & Hindi.
> Fullerenes
> Sivakamasundari
> 91 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-3958-3
> A new form of carbon, totally different from the well-known diamond and 
> graphite was discovered and popularly called buckyballs. These Buckminster 
> fullerenes have hollow, cage-like shape. This profusely illustrated book 
> describes their discovery, reactions and formation, along with their 
> applications.
> Material Marvels
> B C Sharma
> 136 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-2812-3
> This book describes the new materials developed by manipulating metals, 
> ceramics and plastics-the composites-which are now being used in space 
> travel, communication of information and replacing damaged parts of the 
> human body.
> Also in: Asamiya & Marathi.
> Preservation of Art Objects and Library Materials
> O P Agrawal
> 102 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-0643-X
> All art objects, viz. stone sculptures, wooden objects, textiles, 
> manuscripts, paintings, etc. are continuously subjected to dangers of 
> damage and deterioration. This book acquaints the reader with the 
> composition of art objects, their properties and behaviour under diverse 
> conditions so as to facilitate their care, maintenance and preservation.
> Also in: Bangla, Hindi, Marathi & Tamil.
> Ravishing Radiance
> Bal Phondke
> 81 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 81-237-3625-8
> Discovery of ubiquitous and omnipresent radioactivity in the twentieth 
> century ushered in the atomic age. The story of its discovery as well as 
> its applications provide for fascinating reading.
> The Secrets of Proteins
> Medha S Rajadhyaksha & Sukanya Datta
> 108 pp
> Rs 45.00
> ISBN 81-237-3105-1
> A peep into the world of proteins-their sequences, shapes, forms and 
> functions besides their malfunctions and diseases due to malnutrition.
> Water: The Matrix of Life
> K K Mishra
> 112 pp
> Rs 35.00
> ISBN 81-237-3314-3
> The astonishing properties and role of water as the 'matrix of life' have 
> been presented in a semi-technical style. This book provides a deeper 
> understanding of the most ubiquitous marvel of Nature.
> Also in: Hindi.
> Black Holes
> Jayant Narlikar
> 66 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-4374-5
> A black hole is the ultimate manifestation of a region of strong gravity. 
> The pull of gravity in a black hole is so strong, that even light cannot 
> escape from it and time stands still. This book is a simple yet meticulous 
> study of the circumstances under which a black hole is formed and its 
> strange properties.
> Cosmic Vistas
> Biman Basu
> 131 pp
> Rs 65.00
> ISBN 81-237-3942-7
> This book on celestial objects explains how with advances in technology, 
> the telescope and other observation tools can reveal the real nature of 
> celestial bodies like the Moon, the planets and Milky Way and how the 
> refined techniques of observation can reveal gas clouds, quasars, pulsars 
> and radiation.
> Joy of Starwatching
> Biman Basu
> 122 pp
> Rs 45.00
> ISBN 81-237-2657-0
> The star-filled sky has fascinated mankind since prehistoric times. Today 
> we know about the true nature of stars and their mind-boggling distances 
> from us. This profusely illustrated book familiarises us with the 
> constellations and helps in identifying individual stars with the help of 
> star maps and diagrams.
> Also in: Bangla & Tamil.
> Space Today
> Mohan Sundara Rajan
> 282 pp
> Rs 75.00
> ISBN 81-237-1027-5
> A fascinating review of the marvels of the Space Age describing the trends 
> and innovations in space technology, its applications and space 
> explorations.
> Also in: Asamiya & Tamil.
> The Sun
> Parul R Sheth
> 138 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 81-237-4424-2
> This book will appeal to all those who are curious to know more about the 
> wonders pertaining to the mind-blowing effects of our nearest star, on the 
> natural events that occur on the Earth, on plants, animals and human 
> beings.
> Everyday Mathematics
> R M Bhagwat
> 74 pp
> Rs 30.00
> ISBN 81-237-1490-4
> Mathematics is described as an art, the tool of science, the language of 
> science and the queen of all sciences. This book on mathematics gives an 
> account of the origin and development of mathematics, and helps in solving 
> a variety of problems related to everyday living.
> Also in: Asamiya, Hindi, Malayalam, Marathi & Oriya.
> Dinosaurs of India
> Ashok Sahni
> 120 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 81-237-3109-4
> This book describes our rich natural heritage of dinosaurs which goes back 
> nearly 170 years, when Captain Sleeman found large dinosaurian bones and 
> pertrified wood in Jabalpur Cantonment. This book also tells of the more 
> recent finds of fossil remains in several states, particularly in the 
> north-east region.
> Impact of Science and Technology in Warfare
> K V Gopalakrishnan
> 160 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISbn 81-237-4060-3
> Warfare has been a constant feature of human history and the most powerful 
> impact on it has been due to the application of science and technology in 
> the past few centuries. In this book scientific and technological 
> breakthroughs are described and their impacts are also discussed.
> Inventors Who Revolutionised Our Lives
> K V Gopalakrishnan
> 198 pp
> Rs 80.00
> ISBN 81-237-4766-7
> Biographical sketches of some of the great inventors who displayed 
> tenacity of purpose by hard work and confidence in their abilities before 
> achieving recognition for their discoveries.
> Also in: Asamiya, Punjabi, Oriya & Urdu.
> Marching Ahead with Science
> Biman Basu & H J Khan
> 172 pp
> Rs 60.00
> ISBN 81-237-3486-7
> When India gained Independence in 1947, it had no worthwhile 
> infrastructure for the development of science and technology, nor did it 
> have a sound industrial base. Yet six decades later, it is now a major 
> technological power with the capability to design, build and launch its 
> own satellites, nuclear power plants and supercomputers. The book presents 
> an overview of our achievements.
> Of Science and Scientists
> A N Kothare and others
> 232 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 81-237-0917-X
> Although a lot is available in the form of biographies and writings of 
> scientists, very little information is found on what made them not only 
> great discoverers but humane too, blessed with humour, humility and 
> humanism. This book conveys this very aspect of scientists who, while 
> being involved in their unique adventure, are like us, the lesser mortals.
> Also in: Asamiya, Kannada, Malayalam & Oriya.
> The Great Aviation Story
> R K Murthi
> 101 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-4390-4
> This book presents the story of how the man's great dream of flying came 
> true, how the technological advancements affected the evolution of 
> aircraft, and how it changed the course of history.
> The Story of Man
> Biman Basu
> 84 pp
> Rs 27.00
> ISBN 81-237-2057-2
> The story of man's evolution from the lowly tree-dwelling ape has all the 
> ingredients of a thriller. As new clues emerge from fossil evidence, the 
> story takes dramatic twists and turns, before a clear picture emerges. It 
> traces how our distant ancestors gave up a life on the trees and learnt to 
> walk on two feet, use tools and fire, and talk as we do now.
> Also in: Asamiya, Hindi, Punjabi & Urdu.
> Earthquakes
> A K R Hemmady
> 114 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 81-237-4207-X
> This revised edition presents a geologist's perception of earthquakes, 
> their cause, methodology of investigation, instruments used, prediction, 
> precautions and economic implications. Few basic principles related to the 
> design of earthquake-resistant structures, Bhuj earthquake and the 
> controversy over the Tehri dam and reservoir-induced seismicity have also 
> been briefly dealt with.
> Also in: Hindi & Tamil.
> Our Water Resources
> Rama
> 104 pp
> Rs 30.00
> ISBN 81-237-0803-3
> This book provides information on India's water resources derived largely 
> from rainfall, which is generous but uneven in its distribution over time 
> and place. This necessitates the need for gigantic projects for the 
> control, storage and transfer of the available supply.
> Also in: Gujarati, Hindi, Punjabi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi & Tamil.
> Man Inside the Sea
> B F Chhapgar
> 196 pp
> Rs 60.00
> ISBN 81-237-1536-6
> Man has always been fascinated by the seas and oceans and has ventured out 
> for underwater research, exploration of the sea-bed, rescue operations and 
> for commercial activities. This book discusses the steps taken by man in 
> actual underwater living with the help of scuba diving, research 
> submersibles, bathyspheres and bathyscaphes.
> Also in: Asamiya.
> Ocean Science and Technology
> A K Malhotra
> 204 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 81-237-0140-3
> An introduction to the basic principles, techniques and methods involved 
> in offshore oil and gas production and explanation of how offshore 
> platforms and terminals, harbours and ports are designed and operated, 
> apart from the problems encountered in laying submarine pipelines and 
> controlling oil pollution.
> Science of the Oceans
> A N P Ummerkutty
> 144 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 81-237-0468-2
> The sea and the oceans, in spite of man's onslaughts on them, remain as 
> mysterious, unknown and awe-inspiring as ever. This book introduces us to 
> the science of oceanography and the immense potentialities of water around 
> our shores for exploring and utilising them for the prosperity of our 
> people.
> Also in: Bangla, Hindi, Malayalam & Marathi.
> Ecology and Sustainable Development
> P S Ramakrishnan
> 198 pp
> Rs 70.00
> ISBN 81-237-3622-3
> Community participation in natural resource management, which is linked to 
> sustainable development of natural and human-managed ecosystems, has been 
> discussed in the book with concern for sustainable livelihood of rural 
> societies in the short-term and sustainable development of the region, as 
> part of a long-term plan.
> Environmental Pollution
> N Manivasakam
> 160 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 81-237-1034-8
> At a time when environmental pollution is increasing day by day, this 
> book, while discussing the general nature of pollution, examines in detail 
> some of the major areas of pollution like air, water and soil, including 
> thermal radiation and noise pollution and their deleterious impact on man 
> and environment alike.
> Also in: Asamiya, Kannada, Malayalam & Oriya.
> Plastics: A Threat to Mankind
> Chintan
> 85 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-4629-6
> This book explains the impact of plastics on the environment, human health 
> and economy, and describes what all is being done to reduce our dependence 
> on the plastics, which will eventually be beneficial to the mankind in the 
> long run.
> Also in: Asamiya.
> Ways of the Weather
> P A Menon
> 109 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-4453-7
> This revised edition brings forth the concepts and practices adopted in 
> observing and forecasting weather besides highlighting the impact of 
> weather and climate on life and economy with particular reference to the 
> Indian context.
> Also in: Asamiya, Kannada & Tamil.
> We Breathe and Drink Poison
> N Manivasakam
> 120 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-1488-2
> Beginning with the general nature of pollution, the book discusses the 
> major areas of pollution like air, water and soil and how thermal 
> radiation and noise pollution are casting a deleterious impact on man and 
> his environment, posing a danger to all living beings.
> Also in: Asamiya, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi & Punjabi.
> Endangered Animals of India and their Conservation
> S M Nair
> 110 pp
> Rs 45.00
> ISBN 81-237-0187-X
> Public awareness about our rich wildlife, the factors affecting the 
> survival of the species and an understanding of how we can contribute to 
> their well-being are the keys to successful conservation. This edition 
> provides basic information on the rare and endangered animals of India and 
> their conservation.
> Also in: Asamiya, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Nepali & Tamil.
> Exploring Speech & Language
> Medha S Rajadhyaksha
> 124 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-4695-1
> Language forges friendships, cultural ties, and economic relationships. 
> Speech and language are so integral to our existence and individuality 
> that its study has attracted scholars, linguists, philosophers and 
> scientists, since time immemorial. This book is about sharing the taste 
> and texture of words, and about how and why we used them.
> Household Pests and their Management
> Renuka Gupta
> 86 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-3751-3
> In our quest for a comfortable life environment, we unwittingly provide 
> favourable conditions for insects and pests to thrive. These pests suck 
> our blood, spoil our food, and generally cause turmoil in our lives. This 
> book presents information on household pests, how to identify and manage 
> them at home level.
> How Birds Fly
> Satish Dhawan
> 81 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-3738-6
> Avian flight has fascinated man since ancient times, but it is only in 
> recent times that we have been able to explain the dynamics of animal 
> flight. The evolution of animal flight, description of structure and 
> musculature of wings and feathers and elementary theory of lift and drag 
> have been explained to elucidate take-off, landing and hovering of birds.
> Human Behaviour
> Sunil K Pandya
> 240 pp
> Rs 75.00
> ISBN 81-237-2121-8
> This volume focusses on the roots of human behaviour and explains why 
> diverse individuals behave differently under the same circumstances. It 
> describes how our genetic make-up, the environment in which we are brought 
> up, intelligence, perception, memory, learning, imagination and various 
> innate drives force us to act and react as we do.
> Microbe Saga
> Bal Phondke
> 174 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 81-237-2098-X
> Invisible but not insignificant, microbes are the oldest and simplest life 
> forms on earth. This book highlights their crucial role in bread, beer, 
> cheese, wine, pharmaceuticals and pesticide manufacturing units as also in 
> bioremediation and recycling of wastes.
> Social Life of Plants
> Sukanya Datta
> 99 pp
> Rs 45.00
> ISBN 81-237-2938-3
> Plants, like humans, form alliances with other plants and animals, wage 
> war against enemies, employ mercenaries and use subtle strategies for 
> survival. This book explains the interesting social life of the plant 
> world.
> Gene Play
> Parul R Sheth
> 113 pp
> Rs 45.00
> ISBN 81-237-2336-9
> This book takes a look at the future of the gene when the molecular 
> engineers will readily succumb to the fascination of entering and 
> rearranging the hereditary genetic material. It also discusses the 
> possibilities of the endless productive permutations of life, unravelling 
> the promise and the perils of genetic engineering.
> Genetics Today
> Jagjit Singh
> 242 pp
> Rs 65.00
> ISBN 81-237-1787-3
> Explains the mystery of the mechanism of 'heredity' in virus, bacterium, 
> plant, animal and man besides showing how the more we unravel it, the more 
> improvements we can make in the cultivation of our basic food plants, 
> breeding of domestic animals and combating heredity diseases.
> Also in: Hindi.
> Aging
> K Subba Rao
> 70 pp
> Rs 23.00
> ISBN 81-237-0999-4
> The human body does not remain at the peak of its powers endlessly. A slow 
> but steady decline sets in with aging, which occurs due to a complex 
> interplay of physiological, psychological and social factors. This book 
> lucidly explains why and how  the aging sets in.
> Also availale in: Asamiya, Bangla, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi & 
> Urdu.
> Asthma: How to Control It
> M P S Menon
> 94 pp
> Rs 35.00
> ISBN 81-237-2179-X
> This revised volume provides a contemporary account of a common though 
> baffling ailment, which has been an enigma for thousands of sufferers who 
> need help in handling their disability to their best advantage before 
> seeking medical help.
> Also in: Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi & Punjabi.
> Ayurveda Unravelled
> Sharadini Dahanukar & Urmila Thatte
> 138 pp
> Rs 45.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-1676-3
> The science of Ayurveda is surrounded by mystery. It elicits different 
> reactions, ranging from romantic revivalism to West-oriented rejection, 
> from complete acceptance to total rebuttal. This book unravels some of the 
> mysteries surrounding it, its basic concepts and governing principles as 
> also simple home-made herbal remedies.
> Also in: Bangla, Hindi, Kannada & Punjabi.
> Body Clock
> Parul R Sheth
> 175 pp
> Rs 60.00
> ISBN 81-237-4021-2
> Almost every form of life, plant, animal or human being has an internal 
> clock for measuring time, giving rise to rhythms. Rhythms are controlled 
> by a 'biological clock' situated in the brain. This book describes how our 
> internal clocks regulate the metabolism, physiology and behaviour, and in 
> illness or travel across time-zones, shift work schedules, our body clocks 
> throw the rhythm out of time.
> Cancer
> S M Bose
> 112 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 81-237-3892-7
> Cancer is one of the most feared diseases that affects mankind. This book 
> provides a clear understanding of the disease, its causes, early danger 
> signs, the modes of investigation, and its treatment and management.
> Also in: Asamiya, Marathi, Punjabi, Oriya & Urdu.
> Challenge of AIDS
> Khorshed M Pavri
> 147 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-0175-2
> AIDS research has attracted some of the finest brains among doctors and 
> scientists of the world and yet an effective cure eludes us. This revised 
> edition imparts knowledge about the disease and a realisation of the 
> challenge that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) poses to mankind.
> Also in: Asamiya, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam & Urdu.
> Dental & Oral Health for All
> Abhijeet Kulkarni
> 94 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 81-237-4385-8
> This book aims at educating readers regarding dental and oral diseases, 
> the available treatment options and contemporary preventive strategies to 
> maintain and improve oral health.
> Epilepsy
> M C Maheshwari
> 100 pp
> Rs 30.00
> ISBN 81-237-0554-9
> This book provides scientific information about the diagnosis, treatment 
> and care of epileptics in our country where superstitions, false beliefs 
> and misconceptions about the disease are widely prevalent and prove an 
> obstacle in its effective control.
> Also in: Bangla, Hindi & Punjabi.
> Headache
> M C Maheshwari
> 88 pp
> Rs 30.00
> ISBN 81-237-0970-6
> Headache is the commonest of all painful conditions to affect man some 
> time or the other. This very handy book explains the mechanisms of pain, 
> warns of the dangers of frequent use of analgesics and emphasises the need 
> for physical therapy and psychotherapy in facing the problem.
> Also in: Gujarati.
> Heart Disease and the Layman
> S Padmavati
> 65 pp
> Rs 30.00
> ISBN 81-237-1217-0
> The very mention of heart disease strikes terror in the minds of many. 
> This book puts into proper perspective what heart disease means, its signs 
> and symptoms, methods of examination and treatment, and explains the 
> changes that occur when a heart becomes deranged in structure and 
> function.
> Also in: Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Tamil & Urdu.
> Infant & Child Care
> Subhash C Arya
> 220 pp
> Rs 70.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-4994-5
> In the time of joint families, the advise and care of family members was 
> easily available for bringing up a child easily. With more and more 
> nuclear families coming up nowadays, where both parents are working, this 
> book in Oriya comes as a valuable and handy method to bring up a healthy 
> and happy child.
> Learning to Live with Diabetes
> M M S Ahuja
> 120 pp
> Rs 45.00
> ISBN 81-237-0704-5
> Explains how diabetes can be controlled and how reduction in complications 
> can be achieved by consuming foodstuffs with correct nutritive and caloric 
> contents, keeping in mind the economic constraints of a country like 
> India.
> Also in: Bangla, Hindi, Kannada, Gujarati & Tamil.
> Mental Disorders
> M S Bhatia
> 200 pp
> Rs 60.00 (PB) Rs 250.00 (HB)
> ISBN 978-81-237-4926-6 (PB)
> ISBN 978-81-237-4928-0 (HB)
> There is a lot of misconception about mental disorders. People still 
> resort to exorcists, ojhas, tantriks, black magic and so on. With the 
> advancement in the field of psychiatry, timely treatment and cure is now 
> possible. This book aims to provide correct information about mental 
> disorders for timely treatment.
> Also in: Hindi
> Modern Diagnostics
> Anil Aggrawal
> 278 pp
> Rs 80.00
> ISBN 81-237-3317-8
> On developing any physical problem, the doctor advises various diagnostic 
> tests to find out what is wrong. This book tells all about the many 
> diagnostic equipment like magnetic sensors, ultrasound machines, high tech 
> computers, positron emissions, etc. that have brought a revolution in 
> diagnosing disease and providing treatment.
> Narcotic Drugs
> Anil Aggrawal
> 161 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 81-237-1383-5
> This book uncovers the mysterious aura surrounding drugs to provide 
> answers to questions like what are they, why do they entrap a person in 
> their clutches and how we can stay free of their mind-altering effects.
> Also in: Asamiya, Bangla, Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi, Tamil & Urdu.
> Pain & Its Management
> Sugandha A Karapurkar
> 82 pp
> Rs 35.00
> ISBN 81-237-4362-9
> Pain is such a vast subject that it is difficult to understand its exact 
> physiology, yet this book provides answers to many common problems 
> regarding pain, in a simple and lucid style.
> Prevention of Burns
> Kalpana Sood Lal
> 75 pp
> Rs 45.00
> ISBN 81-237-4575-3
> This book aims to spread awareness among people regarding frequent burn 
> injuries, and lays emphasis on the preventions and precautions to be taken 
> by each individual, whether at home or at work, so that burn cases reduce 
> throughout the country.
> Also in: Hindi
> Pulmonary Tuberculosis
> M P S Menon
> 334 pp
> Rs 65.00
> ISBN 81-237-2810-7
> This book will be of interest to those involved in detection and control 
> of tuberculosis as well as patients and their relatives whose 
> understanding and cooperation are essential for the success of the 
> Tuberculosis Control Programme.
> Reaching Womanhood
> Tarala Nandekar & Medha Rajadhyaksha
> 130 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-2763-9
> Provides answers to questions on transition of young girls into the adult 
> world while stressing on the need for knowing about their body, their 
> sexuality, their reproductive health and their rights and 
> responsibilities.
> Also in: Asamiya.
> Self-Care for Women
> Parul R Sheth
> 156 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 81-237-2804-2
> The book provides knowledge on the complex female body, its organs and 
> systems, how they work and can be taken care of both externally and 
> internally.
> Also in: Bangla & Oriya.
> Sense of Smell
> Sarada Bulchand
> 99 pp
> Rs 35.00
> ISBN 81-237-3625-8
> The sense of smell is one of the most primitive senses without which the 
> world can be very bland. The book describes how the sensory system 
> functions to generate attractive or repulsive responses across species, 
> besides explaining the role of pheromones and aromatherapy, olfactory 
> memory and smell disorders.
> Skin and Hair
> J S Pasricha and Ramji Gupta
> 210 pp
> Rs 65.00
> ISBN 81-237-4006-9
> Written mainly to disseminate correct information on skin and hair 
> diseases and remove myths and superstitions about their cure, this book 
> provides guidelines on proper care of skin and hair and also explains some 
> common skin diseases and their treatment modalities.
> Sleep-Wakefulness
> Birendra Nath Mallick
> 108 pp
> Rs 35.00
> ISBN 81-237-3623-1
> Sleep and wakefulness are complex behavioural phenomena which are 
> objectively identified by recording electrophysiological signals from the 
> body. Both are interrelated-while one is active, the other remains 
> subdued. The mechanisms of generation and regulation of sleep and 
> wakefulness coupled with the role of sleep in normal life are beautifully 
> discussed.
> Some Common Ailments
> Anil Aggrawal
> 98 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-0193-4
> Are you troubled by an allergy or eczema? Do you get a nagging cold every 
> winter? This book provides the answers to all these questions and other 
> common ailments also, from which all of us have suffered too often, but 
> about which we know so little.
> Also in: Asamiya, Bangla, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Marathi, Nepali, 
> Punjabi, Telugu & Urdu.
> Stroke and Rehabilitation
> M C Maheshwari & K K Singh
> 119 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-1727-X
> Stroke, one of the commonest neurological emergencies, is the third most 
> important cause of morbidity and mortality in elderly people after cancer 
> and heart attack. The book discusses some of the significant advances made 
> in the understanding of stroke, its diagnosis and management.
> Also in: Hindi.
> The Brain: A Precious Possession
> Gomathy Gopinath
> 95 pp
> Rs 35.00
> ISBN 81-237-1755-5
> Tremendous advances in neuroscience research have generated a lot of 
> information on the brain, its functions and diseases. This book is 
> designed to impart the basic functions and capabilities of the brain and 
> some of the common ailments that afflict it.
> Also in: Bangla.
> The Human Machine
> R L Bijlani & S K Manchanda
> 162 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-1584-6
> The complex human organism and the different functions of different parts 
> of the body have been explained with illustrations and diagrams, with 
> special reference to deviation in normal functions which we call disease.
> Also in: Hindi & Kannada.
> The Memory Mystery
> Medha S Rajadhyaksha
> 108 pp
> Rs 40.00
> ISBN 81-237-1783-0
> Our perceptions of the world around us, the skills, the facts and figures 
> we learn, the emotional overtones of our lives, all these lodge themselves 
> in our brain as memory, sometimes forever. Memory, however, is about 
> forgetting as well. This well-illustrated book unravels what we know of 
> the memory mystery till date.
> Also in: Tamil.
> Versatile Vaccines
> Parvinder Chawla
> 165 pp
> Rs 95.00
> ISBN 978-81-237-4611-1
> This profusely illustrated book sketches, in a very simple language, the 
> present scenario of vaccine development and emphasises the role of 
> versatile vaccines in offering the most precious gift to a child-a chance 
> to live a healthy life ahead.
> Your Food and You
> K T Achaya
> 112 pp
> Rs 35.00
> ISBN 81-237-1033-X
> Discusses many fascinating aspects of food, including a balanced diet, the 
> digestive system, food fads and taboos, and diets prescribed for babies, 
> pregnant women, nursing mothers, etc.
> Also in: Asamiya, Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Konkani, Marathi, 
> Tamil, Telugu & Urdu.
> A Manual on Dog Training
> Gautan Unny
> 100 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 81-237-4831-0
> This book is meant to help people understand the finer nuances of training 
> their pets. It aims to make the pet owner understand that dog training is 
> probably the most important aspect of rearing a pet. The most modern 
> techniques have been written about to ensure that readers are up-to-date 
> with the best methods used worldwide.
> Care of Dogs & Cats
> Vinod Sharma
> 83 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 81-237-4843-4
> This book, written in a simple and lucid manner, deals at length with the 
> care and management of pet dogs and cats. Especially meant for the lay 
> readers and pet owners, it provides the basic details on various aspects 
> of pet care like selecting the right breed, proper feeding, importance of 
> training as well as exercise, social behaviour and much more.
> Social Life of Animals
> Sukanya Datta
> 110 pp
> Rs 65.00
> ISBN 81-237-3937-0
> In the fascinating world of animals though communication is not like 
> humans, they manage to convey their feelings through varied postures, use 
> of chemicals, vocalisation etc. This book is a wealth of information on 
> social life of animals-how crocodiles guide their young to water, the male 
> penguin incubates the eggs, and many more interesting details.
> Anthology of Science Fiction Short Stories
> Rajshekhar Bhoosnumath
> 102 pp
> Rs 50.00
> ISBN 81-237-4704-7
> A compilation of thirteen science fiction short stories in Kannada, this 
> book includes stories of veteran as well as upcoming science fiction 
> writers. The topics include robots, space travel, extra-terrestrial 
> creatures, and more such imaginative areas.
> Dinesh Chandra Goswami's Stories
> D C Goswami
> 200 pp
> Rs 65.00
> ISBN 81-237-4382-3
> This anthology of twenty short science fiction stories in Asamiya revolve 
> around interesting themes like space-time continuum, response of brain 
> neurons to induced frequency, etc. The author, in a subtle manner, has 
> tried to explain the moral fallout of the mindless use of technology in 
> our daily life.
> It Happened Tomorrow
> Bal Phondke (Ed.)
> 270 pp
> Rs 55.00
> ISBN 81-237-0619-7
> This anthology of 19 select stories presents the trends in Indian science 
> fiction where the basic theme, be it in any language, is primarily 
> anthropocentric, dealing with the interplay between scientific 
> developments and human emotions or societal foundations.
> Also in: Asamiya, Bangla, Gujarati, Kannada, Hindi, Punjabi, Marathi, 
> Oriya & Urdu.
> Once Upon a Blue Moon: Science fiction Stories
> Sukanya Datta
> 172 pp
> Rs 70.00
> ISBN 81-237-4853-1
> A delectable spread of twelve science fiction short stories, all poised at 
> the point of the 'Just Possible'! Flawlessly blending scientific truths 
> and the flight of imagination, the stories exemplify all that good science 
> fiction should be. The fabric of each story is woven with warmth, 
> understanding and humour with the warp and weft of science running through 
> it.
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