Albert Rizzi gave up on trying to manage his nest egg because as a
blind person, he encountered digital barriers constantly. Many of the
websites, mobile apps, PDFs and software programs he needed were not
accessible. Sometimes, they just didn’t work.
So Mr. Rizzi, 55, the founder of My Blind Spot, an accessibility
advocacy group in New York, filed a federal lawsuit in April 2018
against Morgan Stanley, the firm he uses to manage his personal
retirement accounts.

Mr. Rizzi’s suit accused the bank of violating the Americans With
Disabilities Act by “denying access to its websites to individuals
with disabilities who are visually impaired” and who require
screen-reader software to access digital content. Mr. Rizzi also cited
the bank for not having an accessibility website or hotline. The case,
which sought about $9 million in damages, was settled last summer, his
lawyer, Lambros Lambrou, said.

In a separate case, Wells Fargo in 2011 settled an investigation by
the Justice Department alleging A.D.A. violations because the bank
failed to accept what is known as video relay services, or video phone
calls, from deaf customers. The settlement required the bank to pay
$16 million to some account holders and remedy a variety of
accessibility problems.

Despite the passage of the A.D.A., lawsuits and heightened awareness
of the needs of people with disabilities, obstacles to investing and
money management persist. The fix often requires reverse-engineering
software and procedures, which can be costly and time consuming. There
are signs that some financial services companies are rethinking their
approach to accessibility, but customers remain concerned.

“I am still struggling to read the statements from my brokerage
account, and am often left to rely on sighted assistance, which can
expose me to identity theft or worse,” Mr. Rizzi said. Recently, his
personal financial information was compromised. “There is significant
room for improvement across the board, and I have yet to, personally
or professionally, find that one institution that has it right.”

By many accounts, the pool of blind and deaf retirement investors is
small — not just because of accessibility problems but also because
those people face low wages, unemployment, underemployment and a lack
of financial literacy. The average annual earned income for an
American with a disability is $26,487 — 38 percent less than for
someone without a disability, according to a 2018 report by the
American Institutes for Research. The Labor Department reports that
only about 19 percent of people with a disability are employed,
compared with nearly 66 percent of people without a disability.

The low work force participation rate is “due to the high number of
people who see a better income from entitlements or the many who have
not seen success in landing a job and more or less have given up
trying,” said Chris Soukup, chief executive of Communication Service
for the Deaf. This makes it harder for them to save for retirement
through a job.

Knowing workers’ needs
Retirement planning, however, is still relevant for people with
disabilities, and some financial advisers have tailored their practice
to help people even if they have few assets.

Lee Kramer, the founder of Kramer Wealth Managers, is deaf and says
the mission of his firm is to “bridge the gap between the financial
world and the deaf community by providing comprehensive wealth
management services accessible in A.S.L.”

Mr. Kramer’s staff is fluent in American Sign Language and often use
videophones. Mr. Kramer said the firm’s clientele included 85 percent
deaf and 15 percent hearing customers, and unlike many firms, his does
not require a minimum investment from any of them. “We feel we have a
duty of service to the deaf community,” he said.

Among Kramer’s clients are the Deaf-Hearing Communication Center in
Swarthmore, Pa., and its 13 full-time employees.

“We don’t have to go through somebody to have a conversation about
what we need,” said Neil McDevitt, the executive director of the
nonprofit center, which provides sign language interpreting and
real-time captioning services. “So if I want to talk to Mr. Kramer, I
can call him on the videophone and we can have a conversation

Even though certified interpreters are bound by confidentiality, some
people may feel uncomfortable sharing financial information through a
third party, and not every interpreter is equally versed in financial

Mr. McDevitt, whose father was a financial planner, recalled many
conversations at his family’s dinner table about saving for the
future. Unfortunately, he said, many deaf children, especially those
with hearing parents, miss out on these vital talks. A Gallaudet
University survey found that the majority of deaf children are born to
hearing parents and that fewer than a quarter of families use sign
language regularly at home.

“Financial literacy has always been a challenge because for a very,
very long time the hearing community didn’t quite believe that we
could be or should be financially independent,” Mr. McDevitt said.

Kramer Wealth Managers has taken steps to improve this by maintaining
a sign language library on a variety of topics, including annuities,
bear and bull markets and wills, and a vlog with market commentary in
sign language.

Mr. Kramer said he uses his knowledge of ABLE plans (tax-advantaged
saving plans for people with disabilities that do not affect
eligibility for public benefits), Social Security Disability Income
and vocational rehabilitation support to develop financial plans for
deaf clients. The firm also maintains a network of A.S.L.-fluent
professionals including lawyers, accountants, mortgage brokers and
real estate agents for client referrals.

Gena Harper, a senior vice president for Morgan Stanley in Oakland,
Calif., begins her day at 5:30 a.m. commuting with Yulie, her
seeing-eye dog. As both a financial adviser and an investor who is
blind, Ms. Harper said she relied on VoiceOver on her iPhone; the
screen-reader program known as Job Access With Speech, which she uses
to navigate her computer and to read PDFs, Excel and Word documents;
and a Braille embosser and display.

Still, “technology is the hugest impediment,” she said, because many
of Morgan Stanley’s internal systems and apps remain “very
inaccessible.” Getting her work done requires a lot of human
intervention by a technology team devoted to helping her and other
colleagues who are blind.

Despite the hurdles, “I truly find a way,” she said of working with
customers who have disabilities. Her practice does not require a
minimum investment from any clients, which is not true of all Morgan
Stanley financial advisers. “So even if you don’t have any money or
you have very little money, we will give you guidance.”

Ms. Harper said that in the last year, Morgan Stanley had made “a huge
commitment with money, resources and people to make their systems
accessible” and that her conversations with senior management led to
the creation of the tech team.

Access at big institutions
Advocates for people with disabilities remain concerned about the
blind and deaf client experience with big mutual fund companies like
Vanguard and Fidelity.

“Most, if not all, of customer service help desk personnel have not
been trained in inclusion, digital equity or what tools the disability
community uses to navigate digital platforms, and we have a dead end
at the first point of entry,” Mr. Rizzi of My Blind Spot said.

Amber DeRosa, the manager of Vanguard’s accessibility office, said
Vanguard’s phone associates were trained to answer questions a blind
client might ask and how to handle a deaf customer’s video call. They
can also connect the customer with Vanguard’s accessibility team.
Vanguard’s first accessibility website went live at the end of May.

“We’re making sure that anything new that we develop going forward has
accessibility built in from the beginning,” she said. Vanguard does
not provide Braille statements to customers. But Ms. DeRosa said the
company was making improvements to its websites, mobile apps and PDF
account statements so that they were more compatible with screen

Some blind Vanguard investors reported not being able to make an
independent stock trade online and having to call customer service to
complete the transaction, which typically carries a higher transaction
fee. Ms. DeRosa said the company “would always waive any type of fees”
resulting from accessibility problems.

Fidelity has about 200 retail locations nationwide, which are equipped
with Video Relay Interpretation services “so that an American Sign
Language interpreter can be summoned within a minute to assist,” said
Fidelity’s customer accessibility lead, Hale Pulsifer. An interpreter
can also be provided on site on request, he added.

Mr. Kramer said Fidelity was one of the last companies to accept video
relay calls and that there were problems with 401(k) account call
centers. A few months ago, one of his clients placed a video call and
Fidelity refused to take it, he said. “They required him to go to a
physical location to verify his identity before they would take his
instructions over the phone.”

Mr. Pulsifer said Fidelity accepted video calls and had “the same
identity verification process for every caller.” He added that
Fidelity tried to ensure that its websites and apps were “optimized”
for screen-only use and keyboard-only use, and that any videos
contained closed captioning. Fidelity also provides large print,
Braille and audio statements and tests its websites with the latest
browsers and screen readers.

Advocates say that the 61 million people living with disabilities in
the United States constitute a significant market force that has
largely been overlooked. It’s also likely to expand.

Mr. Rizzi of My Blind Spot said he wanted companies to “acknowledge
that we are all ‘temporarily able’ and will age into the disability
community through no choice of our own.”

Correction: July 5, 2019
An earlier version of this article misstated a certification for Neil
McDevitt, the executive director of the Deaf-Hearing Communication
Center in Swarthmore, Pa. He manages sign language interpreters but is
not a certified interpreter.

सादर/ Regards

अविनाश शाही/ Avinash Shahi
सहायक/ Assistant
मानव संसाधन प्रबंध विभाग/ Human Resource Management Department
भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक/ Reserve Bank of India
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