Greetings All:


While helping one of my students with her application for admission to Columbia 
University, I came across this article in Time Magazine. This article will 
especially interest those members who work in the field of accessibility. I 
have also provided the link to the article just in case you wish to explore the 
outbound links embedded in the article. I have read the article and find it to 
be most informative. This article appeared in the print version of Time 
Magazine lastyear.



Rajesh from Noida


Time Magazine  




Memes Are Still Inaccessible to the Blind



If you've spent a lot of time on the internet in the last decade, you might 
immediately recognize this description: a toddler clenches his fist in front of 
a determined-looking face.  "Success kid"  is one of the most  popular online 
memes  in history. But for the 2.2 billion people worldwide who report  visual 
impairments  or blindness,  according to the World Health Organization, it is 
just one of thousands of images on the internet that are essentially illegible 
to anyone without full vision.  As millions like and re-share a viral post, 
people with visual impairments often find themselves locked out of the 
discourse. "It's frustrating," says Alex Stine, an 18-year-old recent graduate 
of the Kentucky School for the Blind who works in website accessibility. "When 
[I] come across [a meme], my screen reader reads 'graphic.'"  Experts who spoke 
with TIME say there's much more to be done to make memes universally enjoyable. 
 The most common practice for making images accessible online is through  
alternate text, better known as alt-text, which are descriptions embedded 
within a picture file. Screen readers, software applications that translate 
what's happening onscreen into braille or audio, can recognize a picture's 
alt-text and read it back for the user.  On TIME's website, for example, a 
picture of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston at the Screen Actors Guild Awards on 
Jan. 19 has alt-text that reads, "Brad Pitt grabs Jennifer Aniston's right 
hand, as the two face each other smiling. Pitt has the trophy he won in his 
right hand, while Aniston's left hand is raised."  Brad Pitt and Jennifer 
Aniston attend the 26th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards at The Shrine 
Auditorium on January 19, 2020 in Los Angeles, California. Emma McIntyre-Getty 
Images for Turner  That would work for screen reading software. But consider 
what happens when things get meme-d: like this meme, with the photo next to a 
screen grab of a scene from the TV show Friends, showing Monica (Courteney Cox) 
opening the apartment door to find Rachel (Aniston) and Ross (David Schwimmer) 
in the hallway, with closed captions showing Monica's line: "I'm sorry, 
apparently I opened the door to the past."  Without embedded alt-text, this 
combination of images becomes uninterpretable for those with impaired vision. 
Cole Gleason, a Ph.D. candidate at Carnegie Mellon University and the co-author 
of  Making Memes Accessible, a  research paper  analyzing the issue, says that 
the more fun aspects of daily life are often left on the back burner when it 
comes to accessibility work.   "There's a tendency in accessibility-related 
fields for people to focus on making the workplace accessible, and making 
transportation accessible, because those are daily needs," he says. "And people 
usually leave the recreational or silly or leisure activities to the later 
stages of accessibility, so humor was definitely not high on people's priority 
lists."  It's not just about missing out on the fun of memes like " woman 
yelling at a cat ." "In the age of Donald Trump, memes are cultural capital. 
People use memes to kind of talk truth to power," says Tasha Chemel, a 
34-year-old college academic coach who lives in Brookline, Mass. and is blind. 
"They can be cute or hilarious, but I feel like people also use them to really 
communicate what the world we live in now is like. So it's really hard to be 
left out of that conversation."  Barriers to participating in meme culture can 
also directly affect social lives. Qualik Ford, a senior at the Maryland School 
for the Blind and the president of the  Maryland Association of Blind Students, 
says the prevalence of memes makes it harder for him to connect with sighted 
friends. "Being a part of that culture is really important. Especially because 
I strive to have friends outside the blind community," says Ford. "I wish we 
could connect on this level."   And leaving out people with visual impairments 
doesn't just affect how those with disabilities can communicate online. "Having 
a part of the population that is not involved in that part of the conversation 
deprives them of the ability to participate, which is a significant loss, but 
also deprives the community of their participation," says Aser Tolentino, the 
accessible technology coordinator at the Society for the Blind, a nonprofit 
based in Northern California.   Both Facebook and Twitter provide  shortcut 
keys  to make their programs easier to use for those with visual impairments, 
and let users add image descriptions on their platforms. But it's unlikely that 
every single person posting on their social media would take the time to add 
alt-text to their images, and many sighted users are unaware that they should 
or could.  "I honestly can't say I've ever come across any alt-text on a meme," 
Stine says. Tolentino believes having artificial intelligence (AI) create that 
text might be a way forward. "An automated solution is really the best response 
to something that is so user-driven at this point, since we don't have that 
sort of expectation that this content be accessible," he says.   Facebook did 
create an automated program, rolling out  its AI-powered alt-text feature  in 
2016. But Shaomei Wu, a research scientist at Facebook AI, points out that the 
automated program still has limitations. For instance, the algorithm 
purposefully does not identify gender-so as not to assume anything about 
photographed subjects-and only works once it reaches a high level of confidence 
in reading the image. Facebook has worked to adapt the program over the years, 
but Chemel feels it remains imperfect. The automatic alt-text appears with 
language like, "image may contain," along with a list of "objects recognized by 
the computer vision system," according to a  Facebook research paper on the 
program. In other words, it's not nearly as descriptive as the alt-text actual 
humans come up with, which can describe a person's facial expression, attitude 
and actions in much greater detail.  People who are visually impaired or blind 
often turn to more welcoming spaces online.  One Reddit group, r/blind,  has 
more than 7,000 members and enforces strict rules against posting inaccessible 
content, and there are Facebook groups and Instagram accounts that do the same. 
But Chemel is still waiting for inclusion everywhere. "I'm really glad those 
spaces exist. I think right now they're necessary. But I think they're 
segregated spaces," she says. "That doesn't necessarily make me feel that 
included."   In any case, it's not easy to explain visual humor without ruining 
the joke-and even harder to automate that effort. "If you could figure that 
out, I think you would be able to procedurally generate comedy," Tolentino 
says. Lydia Chilton, a co-author of Making Memes Accessible and a member of the 
computer science faculty at Columbia University, says the key is gleaning 
"which ways of translating the memes into an accessible format produces the 
actual humorous response."  She and Gleason, along with other researchers from 
Carnegie Mellon, developed a program that recognizes image-macro memes-memes 
consisting of one image overlaid with text, in which the image remains the same 
across variants, but the text changes, such as "success kid" or " distracted 
boyfriend" -and generates an audio template that helps translate variations of 
the meme.  For example, in the image below, the researchers offer templates for 
explaining a meme. One plays specific music that would theoretically get across 
the tone of the meme, and makes the text pasted on the image legible for screen 
readers, while the second just has regular alt-text describing the image. The 
final panel shows a more basic template for describing "success kid"-just the 
image macro with top and bottom text.  Researchers are trying to make memes 
more accessible to the visually impaired by adding audio files to alternate 
text. Cole Gleason  They tested their system on 10 blind or low-vision people 
who rated how funny the meme explanations were. As a result of that study, 
published by the Association for Computing Machinery and presented at the 
accessibility conference ASSETS in October of 2019, the researchers identified 
five guidelines people should keep in mind when writing alt-text in order to 
best translate an image's humor: explaining the characters' actions, emotions 
and facial expressions, the source (such as TV or film) of the image and 
anything distinct about the background. Chilton says the team hopes to meet 
with tech companies to present the results of the study and explain how they 
can make their products more accessible.   Ford hopes up-and-coming tech 
innovators will take note of the issue and build accessibility into their 
systems from the start, which is  how Apple created its iPhone screen reading 
software, VoiceOver. "You know how you add salt after you make something? They 
need to make sure the salt's already in the mix," he says.  As the community 
awaits further innovation, Chemel and others are doing what they can to try to 
understand memes. Chemel recently had a friend describe  "business fish"  to 
her, and it cracked her up.  But she's looking forward to the day that she 
knows she's no longer missing anything. "Honestly, I don't even know what I 
don't know," Chemel says. "That's the part of this that's so hard-it's that 
there's so much out there that I just have no idea exists."  


end of article          



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